Recently I got a flashlight with an SFT40 (6500K) and became impressed with it. Nice beam, throwy, but Cool White.
I was wondering if there is something like this one (3V, indifferent if it is 5050 or 3535 or different), without the need of dedoming, but in a warmer temperature bewteen 3000 and 4000K. And also capable of withstading similar Maximum Drive Current (8 A) or around that.
I don’t care if it is as bright as the SFT40 (Luminous Efficacy: typ. 171 lm/W @ 700 mA, 85°C)
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance and sorry for the ignorance :zipper_mouth_face:
I wonder how much the new XP-L HI can take, maybe not 8A but possibly more than the older one thanks to its lower thermal resistance, it also has lower Vf allowing to drive it at higher current.
The is the round Yinding LED in 3000K, but it’s difficult to drive at high current due to its high Vf.
Hum, I can probably skip the 8A as requirement. Any clue where those new XP-L HI can be found? I only know the “old” ones, specially when Simon was selling them.
As for the Yinding LED in 3000K, how much current can he take? And do I find it in AliExpress or elsewhere?
For the updated XP-HI, it’s annoying because they didn’t change the part number, but the old one isn’t produced so mouser and Co probably have the new now. Kaidomain differentiate them and has some but only down to 4000K.
Visually the new one doesn’t have bond wire (it’s a flip chip design).
Thank you again
I’ve been reading that thread since your suggestion and seems like the 3000K version may be a good option.
There are not much beamshots but it seems to be what I’m looking for, according to descriptions.
I intend to use it on a zoomie flashlight, I just hope it doesn’t generate many artifacts.
Also, thank you for the link for the Kaidomain store. Despite that, I guess I will try the Yinding LED first and then maybe I try the other one (it will probaly take some more current, in case I need more lumens).
The warm Yinding has been tested, and the performance was disappointing. Not only does the output underperform the XPL-HI, but so does the intensity! I think the XPL-HI is a much better bet.
SST20s come in high CRI and 4000k, and are relatively throwy because they’re small dies. However the output is going to be low (roughly 800 or less lumens), so you usually see them in multi-optic lights. A D4Sv2 with 4 of them for example gets around 3000 lumen and 41kcd.
I swapped a c8 from sft-40 to yinding 5050 3000k. The sft definitely had more output, an incredibly bright and intense beam. The yinding has a very tight hotspot and a surprisingly nice tint. In terms of practicality the sft wins I think, but I’ll be keeping the yinding in this host as its more fun
Thanks for your input about this, QReciprocity42!
However, even if the Yinding is less powerfull than the XP-L HI, I guess I will get a better beam for what I want, which is on a zoomie light. In case I find that its lower performance and beam are nor that good, I will change and opt for an XP-L HI, then !
The off-center may bother me a bit, but for thr specific flashlight I want it, it has some margin to center the PCB on the shelf, so it can be worked too!
In any case, thank you for the input
Thanks twisted raven!
The SST20s are not my favourite LEDs since almost all of them have a greenish tint and if I recall correctly even the 4000K has it. That is something I would like to avoid. Also, the SST20s are domed and for this thing I would prefer a domeless LED, such as the ones mentioned above!
Thank you for the input
Thanks for the input and the comparison merlot!
I was also thinking about the practicality of the beam, and thought that the Yinding would be narrower. However, since my main purpose will be a zoomie flashlight, I guess I can manage that by zooming in and out.
Something like the SFT40 would be ideal, though, since it is powerfull and has a larger center, but let’s see what I can do with this one