WARNING! STL-V2 MarsFire version


Be patient :smiley: Nothing spectacular, but will post them in 5
…. PC froze a little so it took a while but here it is :o

I think I know what happened, the flashlight spring got trapped between the + post and the - barrel right on the edge of the + side cell, the spring probably tore through the wrapping and created a dead short on the battery, check the battery + side around the edge for an electrical mark or something.

SO, protection circuit didnt kicked in because the current wasnt passing through it??

I didnt see any electrical mark on the + side but probably thats what happened. Design has serious flaw, it cant happen 2 times by accident.
And that happened first time I used the flashlight? (second time i screwed the cells inside, if you know what I mean, not screwed the cells but tha flashlight with cells inside)

Wow. It looks like it needs a much shorter spring installed. Is there much sideways play when batteries are inserted. If so just putting the light down could cause a short.

Yes, in my opinion the protection didn’t kick in because the current was flowing thru the edge of the + side of the battery and not thru the protection circuit, right at the edge where the metal color looks almost golden.

So SO glad I didn’t get this version

Have you tried powering the light on using pieces of wire? I think the driver should still work, and you just need to get rid of that spring or replace it with something stiffer.

Right now here are wee hours of the night so Ill look into it tomorrow, to tired to mess with that right now.
Thanx for the insights.

Still glad I got mine. Just need to shorten & resolder the original spring or replace it with a gold p60 spring.

Almost forgot to mention… I’m glad you are OK and caught it when you did. Could have been a lot worse. :wink:

Is this tube aluminum? It seems heavy

The tube is brass. Main part of its charm and pimp factor. :face_with_monocle:

Yeah, in fact it looks better than on the pics
:face_with_monocle: :smiley:

Nix the spring? I be pimping too! Ordered the new style (sku 50025) DX SST-50 driver wonder if it will fit? Used the old style in a SLT-v2 with success.


@willie, can you tell me how did you pull out stock driver out of SR STL-V2?

Sellers answer on my refund request (I already left him positive feedback):

Wow, that is a bad design, the + spring is too long and too close to the - contact. Look at the driver end of a properly designed light and you should only see the spring tip. If that were my light I’d put an insulated washer over the - contact area so it couldn’t short out the battery. ECig, you were very very lucky sir.

Remove bezel & reflector. Pill unscrews from the top with two spanner holes. If I do use the SST50 driver it is not a LEGO and some host machining will needed.

Maybe they should start a new team for exploding flashlights :slight_smile:

Now that would add some real interest to the 1000 meter relay :slight_smile: