Warrior xm-l vs Warrior xm-l2 vs King/Kung variants

Also, got some 3400mAh Panasonics tested tonight: it seemed a little brighter and for the first time I noticed it stepped down to the variable setting after running on high a while…I didnt notice the driver had a temperature sensor (I assume)?

what batteries were you using before?

2900 mAh Panasonic laptop pulls previously. Also, I do tend to switch it to low now and then to let it cool off, and first time with the 3400 mAh’s I did only once.

Haven’t been on BLF for a week and missed this one…. J) :frowning:
I would purchase it instantly even @ the $49 price!

mine just arrived today. honestly, i think even at $55, its still a good deal. i remember i paid $79 for the king and that was good. then i paid $60 for my second king and was even more happy.
$55 for the warrior is still worth it imo.
its just the fact that you can get the xml version for only $35…makes you second guess

I, too, would really love to know if it’s worth waiting for the XM-L2 version over the XM-L cheaper version.