NO,I don't think that you can get rid of modes due to the specific driver from Warsun.., and YES,you can pump some more current in the led, but not to much...
Go GOOGLE and you'll find a review of this light , made by our respected BLF member, "Chloe" !!! There you have everything that you need !
If you have version that has a tail switch, full power should be very easy achieve. You just need to short the pad that powers the MCU to the pad that the MCU outputs PWM. I would pull the MCU because it will just be using power. You won't have lvp. So you will have to be careful to not over drain the cell. If you post a very good picture of the driver (need to see a many of the traces as possible). We should be able to help you identify the pins.
If you don't have a side switch, you will have to unscrew the tail cap slightly to break power. Or you can use the momentary side switch to be the short for the 2 pads mentioned above. In that case, the light will only be one while you hold down the switch.
generally speaking? the garden variety “driver swap” is pretty straightforward… I am sure there are TIMES though with certain lights, well, you get the idea.
My not knowing this model of light personally? I’ll keep my mouth shut so it gathers less “foot”, just in case there’s something i need to find out. But, in general a driver swap is more “nuts and bolts” and making sure the new one fits in both physically fits AND electrically is closer to what you want.y
h3!!s bells, i have YET to get a coast hp550 “opened up” for modding without hacksawing it apart, trying to “save” the impressive pill and the pills match to the handle, cutting it to pieces like an idjit, LMAO.
A standard driver swap won’t do the trick. The switch and usb port are on the chip. I suppose you could use the last generation’s “Atmel 24C02BN” but I’m not sure. The controller is a “RX6810” and the spec sheet says the modes can be changed but doesn’t tell how (near as I can tell, I could only find a Chinese copy). Here’s a pic of the driver, maybe someone can figure out how to change the modes. Here’s the spec sheet - RX6810手电筒头灯USB5.0V充电专用功能芯片 - 百度文库
I have done it for a couple of CT9Ts. Remove the resistor connected to PIN 6 and short pin6 to pin5. This should give you just ON-OFF modes.
If you need more modes, Piggyback a nanjg, isolate the switch pin by cutting the trace, this will keep the stock driver off at all times. and will still give charging LED indications. Use a thin wire to connect the isolated switch to the piggybacking e-switch driver. The max amp draw i have seen is about 1.8 A on the stock drivers. I have used the toykeeper’s baton and ramping UI with a lot success. Only downside I can think off is that there will be 2 drivers in standby thus increasing the parasitic drain. If some one can design a FET driver with a USB charging circuit this would be an amazing light for the price.