I saw some 18650 advertised @ 12,000 mAh capacity …
Holly Cow Batman ! That is some serious BS …
I had no idea that capacity over estimating was that far advanced …
I remember when eBay got started. Some of the best deals I ever found were on eBay but, that was many years ago.
The only time I will order anything from eBay is if I can speak to the person selling. If I send a message and they contact me I usually order, most don't lol...
Wow ! …. Those 12,000mAh batteries must be good …
Was on another forum where one member was recommending some high grade 4000mAh batteries , as opposed to the 6000mAh batteries the OP was looking at …
U know , on account the 6000mAH ones are fake , and the 4000mAh ones are really good !
I decided to mind my own business !
I get worried when any one’s feedback is below 99.5. I figure there are some customers you are never going to satisfy, but never more than about .5. That figure is probably optimistic since sellers have no way to deal with irrational buyers any longer (sellers have been unable to leave negative feedback for some time), so even buyers who stiff sellers repeatedly, get away with it. I steer well clear of anyone with only a 98% feedback rating. I’d add that the resolution process sucks. I recently had a case where they found in favor of the buyer, even when the buyer admitted that there was NOTHING wrong with the product AND failed to return all of the parts.
Ok……I don’t use language like this……call me a prude……but I couldn’t resist when I saw the pic in your link.
Should we just petition the maker/seller to add an “OUT” or just an “O” to the large lettering on the side of the battery wrapper? Would that make it a more accurate listing? :laughing:
The worst part about EBay is if you do a search for something, you get 50 pages of the same item from the same seller so you can’t even really browse any more.
I was searching for 100% cotton sheets or duvet cover or something like that a while back and put in my search criteria and I got pages and pages of cheap polyester micro fiber crap that I didn’t want. Bought them from somewhere else because I didn’t have the patience to wade through the multiple listings that didn’t apply. Why do they need to list the same item 400 times?
Why? For exactly that reason. If the seller cuts his price to one cent lower than everyone else’s and then lists several pages worth of the same item, he/she is effectively taking up all the advertising space for that product, because a lot of people won’t scroll through too many pages before quitting. Those without the resolve to go ‘somewhere else’ will most likely get caught in the trap and end up buying from that seller.
Also that there are Trillions of different sellers selling the same items, using the same images, same descriptions, etc. Ebay is now literally an online copy-cat cheapo dollar store out of control with no regulation.
Part of the problem lays with FeeBay itself … Literally allowing fraud to occur ….
I guess reeling in the fraudsters is just to punishing on feebays bottom line .
Also failure on the part of Gooberments for allowing Ebay / sellers to do what they do …
One can only conclude that the best place to be a (?) criminal at the moment is feebay …
I have never before made so many refund requests as 2016 … And 2017 has already seen 3 refund requests ( all payed ) .
So looks like 2017 might be a record breaker for me .
eBay is nice for buying small amounts of low priced items you would have to make an expensive trip to some outside specialized store instead, at least in my case (small town ≈21K citizens). Of course, you have to plan ahead and be patient, but can end up making nice savings if you stay focused and don't end up buying stuff you are not gonna use.
I usually do any related “research” on what to buy in other places, then search eBay with very specific keywords to find exactly what I’d already know I want, at the best price. You have to be careful though. It isn’t true any more that eBay always HAS the best price!