Watt has been THE MOST SUCCESSFULL Group Buy Ever?......

I’m guessing “notta” is a frustrated English teacher trying to make a point.


It’s also difficult to FLY LIKE AN EAGLE when ya get mixed up with a flock of turkeys. :laughing: :open_mouth:

Eagles may soar, but turkeys don’t get sucked into jet-engines. :stuck_out_tongue:

Better that than the life of a turkey…

Turkeys of a feather uh I forget the rest.

Birds of a feather do sumthing together which I really shouldn’t talk about right now. :laughing: :+1:

PS. I wish I HAD 3 LEGS so I could GO ANYWHERE GRACEFULLY like my German Shepherd.

I’m pretty sure Notta is just being the anger translator for everyone who’s got their panties in a bunch over the time the FW3A group buy is taking.

There’s an old Yiddish saying……

“Ya can’t have everything at once.”

WTF this has to do with the FW3A group buy I haven’t an idea butt I thought it might have sum correlation sumwhere.

Well I WAS hoping sumone seriously could opine into the subject butt that’s apparently a futile exercise so far.

So I’ll give ya sum more idears to ponder on the oft chance sum brain cells out there can see the BIGGER PICTURE. The point here is that IMNSHO there are areas where BLF GB’s are sorely needed and more importantly NOT NEEDED.

1). Instead of BLFing GB’s for more FLASHLIGHTS perhaps a pause is in order. :open_mouth:

2). IMNSHO I think watts NEEDED moreso at this juncture are BLF GB’s for BATTERIES, DRIVERS, SWITCHES, LENSES, SPRINGS, SOLDERING RELATED STUFF (think soldering KITS?), MCPCB’s in not just 17mm to 20mm size butt ALSO smaller ones all the way down to even 8MM.

REALISTICALLY however you run into fitment issues as there are so many different flashlight platform configurations out there that of the aforementioned prolly the truly most PRACTICAL BLF GB would be BATTERIES. That’s right, a BLF exclusive branded battery that CONSISTENTLY meets HKJ verified specs. Talk about NEEDED.

3). Extension tubes correlating to the most square and otherwise pitched configurations. May be tuffer to execute due to varying platform configurations butt I’ll throw it out there anyway.

4). Well I can provide more here overall butt for now I’ll leave it up to you if ya want me to continue……

5). Ok, I’ll continue. IMNSHO an O-Ring KIT would be GREATLY APPRECIATED.

6). Ok, I’ll continue. Wire KITS. All the way from 18 GA down to 24 GA. Silicone or otherwise. Tinned or otherwise. This way obtaining more CONSISTENCY in mods.

PS. Watt APPEARS to sum of you to be just purely ridiculous SATIRE for the sole sake of BSing around is not quite entirely accurate.

  1. GB Pause You actually have a good point on this one.

2) GB for components We’ve had these for LEDs mostly, but also for drivers, springs, lenses, batteries, and other components.

3) Extension tubes We do have some Q8 extension tubes being made, probably on sale after CNY. Other extension tubes have been done in the past. Problem is that the light has to be popular enough that the tubes will sell in large quantities.

4) Continue? Sure, go for it!

I vote for JasonWW