Watt has been THE MOST SUCCESSFULL Group Buy Ever?......

Now I realize there have been sum TRULY SUCKcesspool effarts butt I wood think that BUY NOW yee-all gotch yer SH*T TOOGETHAH, right?

BUTT I’m hearing sum disturbing rumblings lately.

Sumthing like how about an “emergency BLF light” that apparently is begunning to use the grape gun approach to FUBARSVILLE. :open_mouth:

So watt have wee learned?

Well for me, I wood say that the Q8 was a HOMER. Butt there ARE REASONS why it was a homer.

Watt and WHY do we get the rare homer?

Then there have been BUNTS which have bounced off the plate, CARREAMED THE UMPIRE, and then hit the batter RIGHT IN THE KIWI SPECIALS, as or in the case of our esteemed GALS HERE right in the wattevers. (Annatomically I will NOT ATTEMPT to provide a male equivalent.)

Watt and WHY do we get those BUNTS?

IMNSHO without a CLEAR FOCUS, BLF GB’s are in CLEAR (AR coated of course) and PRESENT DANGER of turning out stuff that NOT EVEN I could fathomly design, execute, and bring to market the likes of which most here wood consider ABSOLUTE DRECK.

Sooooooo, I POSIT a SOLUTION to avoid this kind of future continuing DEESASTERS.

Watt we need IMNSHO, is a BLF GB CZAR. Someone who is so beyond our mortal limits that they wood be given the AUTHORITAY to say YAY or NAY BEFORE BLF GB’s go FULL RETARD.

I nominate, LIGHTBRINGER!!! :open_mouth:

He’s SMART, fair, and balanced, and he has a GREAT AVATAR that inspires CONFIDENCE.

Now, to HELP LIGHTBRINGER, I think wee kneed a couple of VETERANS working together as a CLOSE TEEM to guide and counsel.

I nominate this teem to be, BOAZ and TOYKEEPER!!! :open_mouth: & :open_mouth:

VETERANS, baby, VETERANS, in many many a flash skirmish, from here to there, and back to Biloxi and then sum. They have PRETTY MUCH seen it ALL. Guy and Gal. ( I believe in perspective DIVERSITY and a gendered highly intelligunt teem will give us the YING and YANK when needed.)

So watt do ya think? Am I on the RIGHT TRACK here? :student: :beer:

I swear, you’re stoned! :laughing:

…AND drunk! :disappointed:

OP’s username does not check out.

Holy crap.

How much vodka did you drink?

Or are you having carbon dioxide poisoning?

BTW guys, open your windows once in a while, especially during the winter, even for a few minutes a week.

High concentrations of CO2 is actually a detriment to cognitive abilities. So, please, get some fresh air to not end up like whack-a-mole here.

+1 for LightBringer

I quit when it started to make sense

Hardly yoo too dimwits. I only had ONE beer.

Now imagine if I had had a six-pak. :open_mouth:

That post is sooooo difficult to read! Good Lord! :person_facepalming:

Only reaching the 5th Grade will doo that to ya.

Ok that’s TWO VOTES. I assume LIGHTBRINGER will make it THREE.

An intelligunt reply here is kneaded. Ya all just Kant talk about moi only.

Hahaha self-realization of bad grammar, yet purposely ignoring spell check and a weak excuse leads me to believe it’s just for show bro. :wink:

Here is a quote from you 6 years ago: https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/53735/480

Let’s blame it on chronic dihydrogen monoxide poisoning :laughing:

On a serious note, I don’t know Lightbrighter nor Boaz very well, but I totally agree with ToyKepper being nominated :+1:

This reply actually DEMONSTRATES UNEQUIVOCALLY that BOAZ is one really SMART DUDE in case any of you question my nomination.

Now I will PREDICT that Toykeeper is equally as smart by NOT REPLYING.

+1 for Boaz. Yes he is very smart.

Obviously a SUCCESSFULL entrepreneur too. Business & Technical (Toykeeper).

Yes well I think they both can guide Lightbringer quite handedly. Butt ultimately he wood be the BLF GB Czar and final arbiter.

Now that’s 20lbs of crazy in a 5lb bag…

They said that about TRUMP winning too and look where he is now. :open_mouth: .

PS. It’s prolly really up to SB. I mean about swearin’ ya in, right hand on the Flashapedia, etc. Yer gonna be one busy cat. :laughing: :+1:

PSS. Ya KNOW the position is NEEDED. :sunglasses:

Say “butt” again…

Post #47. Nuff’ said. Butt I digrass.

PS. If you become BLF GB CZAR we’re gonna see all sortsa Mother of All BLF GB’s.

I think I’m already gettin’ a BLF GB Homer Boner. :open_mouth: