I was just talking to Ken from Wavien about their RLT LEDs. When asked about XP-G2 RLT LEDs he said they were not a standard product so I would have to supply the LED on a 20mm board, and that he would charge 80 dollars for the mounting service. At that price I would just buy one of their premade SST-90s.
Just thought I would post this for anyone else intrigued by them.
I’d probably be willing to drop $30 on an xml version of it if it ever drops down to that.
Is that heatsink necessary or are they just being over dramatic with it?
I was looking at them too,really cost prohibitive and might be worth saving for if you want a killer aspheric build.I am skeptical about the 80% increase in brightness,but that has to be on a focused aspheric lens.I found a few you tube videos about this technology and I think the transition to flashlight would be a trial and error project.Too bad the SBT-70 is so dang inefficent,it would probably be a killer flashlight.
Yep I saw it,pricey and inefficent,might be nice with MTG2 to focus all those lumens but the die behind anaspheric is straight up ugly-looks like a stop sign with bullet holes in it,lol.
some of the guys on mtbr tried making little mini parabolic collars for XM-L LEDs to do the same thing with aspherics. It seemed to make a bit of difference in output, but no where near worth the hassle. This RLT mumbojumbo seems to be the same deal. I wonder how their way of collecting the “high angle” light is any better than the reflectors and TIRs we use?
I don’t doubt that it works, I just want to know why it works It looks like some kind of inverted parabolic reflector feeding an aspheric, which shouldn’t be too hard for someone to replicate with an appropriate reflector that matches the focal length of the aspheric. Obviously there’s probably some optical tuning of the reflector used in the RLT thing for maximum efficiency, but you should be able to get most of the gains with a simpler reflector.
it works because light that couldn’t normally reach the aspheric is directed back at the led, further exciting the phosphor (increasing output)
actually I think they’re spherical reflectors. there is a thread on cpf from a year ago where someone experimented with making a small collar from aluminum - with fair results, imho.
last night I found myself wondering - are christmas ornaments mirrored on the inside, too? :Sp