WE HAVE A WINNER! - 1000 Post Giveaway - BLF17DD Driver [ENDED]

We have a winner! Max is the lucky one today (according to random.org)

As a few of you recently pointed out to me, I recently hit 1000 posts! I didn't even see it coming!

As is the tradition of this forum, on a momentous occasion such as this one a giveaway is in order!

As a nod to the great collaborative spirit of this forum, I'd like to give away one fully built BLF17DD driver. This driver is the result of the dedication and many hours of work by many here in the BLF community. For more information check out the Oshpark projects thread.

Here's the deal: post here about a new skill you've learned because of your involvement with BLF. Members who joined on April 7, 2014 or earlier are eligible. On April 9th a winner will be randomly chosen via post number.

My new skill has been learning how to solder correctly. I had soldered a few things before joining BLF (mostly globbing a few wires together) but after joining I realized that I needed to step up my game, so I started reading everything I could and watching way too many videos on YouTube. Now I am a reasonably competent solderer!

I am in :slight_smile:

I learned how to modifiy and disassemble mag lites :slight_smile:

I’ve learnt how to spend money on things i want, but not necesarily need. I’ve also learnt it’s nice not just to win something, but give something away too!

Thanks RMM! Count me in. I have learned lots of things, but I will go with how to do a copper braid mod to springs. My soldering in general is still weak at best, but I am improving each time. Also, I recently learned how to correctly splice wires together.

It has been quite a refreshing course on un-wise spending for me too…
So, I could use a nice driver for free indeed!

Still learning stuff every day, nothing specific I can think of, yet.

i’m learn to use multimeter to check a current and practicing to soldering that end up burning my finger because i’m not adapted yet to it :_(

I learned how to re-flow an led. Old-Lumens videos taught me that and so much more.

Count Me In Please !

I learned (a little) about the black box inside modern flashlights. Now I can turn a flashlight with the dreaded 'next-mode memory' into a pleasant, predictable light.

woo hoo… another great BLF giveaway count me in!!.. congratz on your 1000 posts
my new skill is I’m seem able to destroy a newly bought and semi perfect light trying to gain extra lumens :stuck_out_tongue:
on the other hand by mistake now I’m able to dedome LEDs in less than 15 secs :bigsmile:

I’ve learned far more than any normal person should know about flashlights… And there’s far too much left to learn! Now when I go to work on a friend’s computer I get asked which flashlight they should buy.

Count me in! Ive learned so much but one of my skills that has allowed me to customize my builds more is reflowing. I learned to reflow LEDs through OL and other members on this forum. Gives me a wider selection of LEDs/tints

nice giveway,i am in.
what i learned ? 101 how to mod a flashlight.
drivers ,led ,wiring, reflow .
I ended having all my lights moded.

In general I’m less afraid of messing things up. I’ve always been pretty mechanically good at taking things apart, figuring them out and putting them back together. Electronics have been another story. I’ve had lots of interest, but little understanding, so I’d be timid at pulling things apart, soldering components, de-soldering etc.

There have been some really great threads like relics add solder to spring post that are so great for beginners. Or somewhat experienced guys with questions.

BLF is the greatest. :slight_smile:

I learned how to stack 7135 chips on a driver I got from you, and I did the zener mod for an mtg2 maglite build. I bought the tweezers that are recommended on your page and they have been my favorite little tool ever since I got them. I use them for so many things I don’t know how I got along without them.

Thanks for the giveaway and all the help, you rock!

I’d like to join!

I learned to understand the technology of leds and drivers better and better…
also how a flashlight works and can be modified to work even better.

AAAAND : I learned that a lot of members here are really nice and like to help the newbees!

I’m in, thanks!
I have learned to dedome LEDs, reflow solder, and so much more! Thank you, BLF community!

I learned to be nicer to my wife for putting up with my purchases :heart_eyes:

OK, she has walked away…

I learned how to dedome and reflow leds.

Count me in too, I’ve learned to dedome led’s and have also seriously upped my soldering skills.


Count Me in RMM! I've learned how to dedome LED's quickly and successfully using the gas soaking method. I would have never even thought of such a thing before BLF (neither the dedoming of an LED nor using gas to do so).


Count me in too, please.

Just over a year ago, I didn’t know the difference between current and voltage, what a driver was, and had never soldered anything. I studied everything on this site and asked a lot of stupid questions. I think I’m holding my own now.