weekly promotion convoy S2+ (over)

cheers flydiver, i remembering reading something about that but forgot how to activate/toggle it

That is the stock nangj firmware

2 distinct mode groups

A. lo>med>hi
switch to low, wait 4 sec for a blink, bump the switch to toggle to next group
B. lo>med>hi>strobe>sos
switch to low, wait 4 sec for a blink, bump the switch to toggle to next group

flydiver Warhawk-AVG
Problem solved. My thanks to both of you. I am new to flash lights.

Ok, Convoy is your brand. Does that mean that Convoy branded flashlights such as the Convoy S2+ are designed and assembled by you?
Thanks for your reply.

Hahahaha :smiley: I laughed like crazy when I read this :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree. Too funny! But imagine the users delight when he found out the ‘secret UI’, which I think is fantastic.

Eureka moment :bigsmile:

yes ,we assemble it

Received mine today and play around with it for few minutes outside my house after dinner. Then tell my wife it a gift for her EDC. :wink:
I didn’t tell her that I ordered Maxtoch sn6x-2x this week J)

Is Convoy your brand?

There is an idom : “Something you know is easy, something you don’t know is difficult”. In life, no one can know everything.
I worked in IT nearly 30 years, I came across many people who doesn’t know how to click the mouse or turn on a PC. That is easy, isn’t it. :zipper_mouth_face:


Nobody ever expects .... The spanish inquisition

Received mine today. It's a very nice light, especially for the price. Because I can't help myself, I converted the driver to the STAR off-time firmware. Works great!

When did you order / how long did shipping take? Location? :slight_smile:

I ordered on April 30, so it only took 20 days. I'm on the West Coast of the U.S.

Never mind, mine tracking shows it’s still in China somewhere :frowning: :~ . Ordered 26th.

Can you put a picture of the beams so can we see the difference between these two?

Same here. Nothing other than the initial “original post” event since the 27th. I also ordered a battery bank from them on another deal which hasn’t moved.


Got my S2 last Friday together with my L4 and D40A!

This S2+ is really small! I love the tint and the design! This will be in my bag daily!