What are currently the coolest Convoys?

I haven’t been keeping up lately and I’m wondering, what are the exciting ones now? Buck/boost drivers especially, but also interesting emitters and so forth.

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I really like my L21b with SFT40 (3V 8A buck) :flashlight: :flashlight: :flashlight:

What does “cool” mean to you in your question? I am wondering because when I thought about answering I came to the conclusion that I had to know this before I could give a decent answer.

I have a bunch of different Convoy lights. They can all be considered to be “cool” in one way or another…

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I don’t know which are the coolest.
My favorite emitter right now is the SFT70, so I prefer lights with that emitter.
The SFT70 simultaneously provides a decent amount of throw with a good amount of flood.
This is my current EDC, which sports the SFT70.

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Id say the best is anything beginning with a 3x21 or a 4x18. The 3x21c with 6x sst 40 is probably the brightest while the 3x21D has the best distance.

The coolest in my opinion is the L7 or L6 with 2x 26650. It looks super cool with a “flashlighty” shape ie: long thin body and wide head. Like a maglight. Might get one eventually.

Another one that looks good is the M21G which is a dual switch dual cell 21700 thrower with m21Cu style head. It is relatively new.

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I’ve just bought an M21A with a green W2, it’s not the most practical but it’s a lot of fun outdoors! Mine’s tan, it’s the first light I’ve owned in this colour and I love it!

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M21B with sft70 and 48w driver
S3 with XHP 50.3
M21A sft40 8A
L21B xhp70.3 3000K 48W
And for sustained output the M3C xhp.70.2.

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Raccoon, that looks great! I’m going to have to pick it up.

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I hope you like it. :grin: