what are the best LED Flashlight ?

hi everyone

what do you think about the best LED Flashlight in 2016 ?

i wait for your replies


That’s like asking who has the better truck Chevy or Ford?

Are you looking for a floody light or a thrower?

How physically big of a ligh; how long run time?

Welcome aboard.


I think it needs to be modified.

And next year, it will need to be modified yet again.

Which tool is the better tool, a screwdriver or wrench?

To the extent that flashlights are just tools, there is no best. There is only the best tool for the job at hand. Use a thrower for distant viewing; use a compact, general-purpose flashlight for EDC.

To the OP: are you interested in a specific category? Can you narrow down your original question a bit?

Since you did not specify what sort of light, my pick is this.

+1 on these! I really wish I could’ve participated in that buy.

From a commercial standpoint, maybe the Convoy L6. It seems to be making the big news as of late.

meteor m43 - relatively small, powerful (if required), nice UI, offered with different LEDs
Unfortunately costs too much for me :(.
Hope to finish my custom SRK mod with similar driver as in meteor soon and additionally subscribed to BLF’s Q8 project - Q8, PMS SEND TO THOSE WITH ISSUES BLF soda can light

Based on number of different threads about the same light I’d say Convoy L6, with Klarus Mi7 rapidly catching up.

that question is boss! :laughing:


I’d say Convoy C8 for its versatility, many options and many parts to mod it with.


I think my tuna sandwich is better than your flashlight.

Welcome to BLF!

The same flashlight as 2015, 14, and years before: the one you have at hand when you need it.

Welcome to BLF!

  • Can’t say it better!


Please define “Best.”

Ahaha,What do you think of me?Click on my logo.I'm a good flashlight manufacturer

Lol, OrcaTorch gets my vote as the most comedic flashlight rep of the year.

Absolutely, without a doubt, this one! It’s so amazing it’s at risk of being made illegal. I’ve heard that when you turn it on you have to hang on with both hands so it doesn’t get away on you.


Too much bull but no pictures. :smiley:

Hahaha~Thanks,my honor.