Does anyone have most of these? I am looking to build a small light I can put in a holster and use for running. I originally wanted to buy a multi led light like a SkyRay, but it is just too big. I decided to go with an XPG triple in a small host, but after reading as many topics as I could find it seems they put out a lot of light, but don’t have much throw. I want some flood and throw. I run in some scary places at night and want to see what’s out there in case I get freaked out
I’d like to be able to run it hot if needed, so I don’t know if any of these hosts offers better heat distribution. The prices are pretty much the same for all of them on MTN’s site, so that doesn’t really matter. I’ll probably go with an XML2 and crank it up as much as I can.
However, I just can’t decide which host would work better for my needs. Any input is appreciated. Thanks.
The S2 has a bit deeper reflector if you want some additional throw at the expense of spill. I only have the one Convoy S-series hosts though so I can't give you a true side-by-side comparison. The S2 seems to be a good common starting point as it takes protected cells and is a quality host. I think you would be happy with it.
It has a nice brass pill, so you could use a DTP copper PCB and solder the board directly to the pill for maximum heat transfer. It already does a good job of moving heat to the body of the light. Mine heats up very quickly with a 2.8A driver...
The S8 handles heat marginally better than the others. Of the ones you named, I would go with the S2. I also have an S5. Its a really tight fit (as is the S6), and the quality doesn’t seem quite as good as the S8 or S2. Most people don’t like the S4 because of the cutouts in the head, and the S2+ and S3 have smaller, more floody reflectors. If you want decent throw, I would put an XP-G2 in an S2 at about 3 or 3.5amps, then see about ordering a smooth reflector for it.
For a triple, I’d recommend the S2, S5, or S6 since there’s more room in the head. If you use the aluminum spacer/heat sink from Mountain Electronics it will add additional mass for heat transfer.
I only have the S2 so I can’t comment on the S5 or S6.
Have you considered something like the M2? It's very pocketable, has much better heatsinking, and throws better than any of the S-series lights. You could go with an XP-L emitter and easily get over 1000 lumens.
The OP says it’s to be used with a holster so a bigger reflector should easily be doable. I EDC a JAX mini C8 in a holster and an M1 or M2 head is about the same size. I tried a holstered C8 but it’s just a bit too big. The S2 is a good EDC but I prefer the better throw of the JAX or M1, M2.
I really like the pill of the S5, at least the pill that comes with the S5 from RMM since it has small notches to remove it easier rather than having to rely on the solder bridges on the driver to unscrew it. I've had many a time where I tried to unscrew the pill with pliers from the solder bridges and the driver would just pop right off :stare: And yes I used flux ;)
If I could get that pill with an S2 host I'd buy those all day :beer:
I looked at the M2, but it’s slightly bigger than what I want. Thanks for the suggestion.
What do you all think the most I would want to drive an XML2 in an S2? I have a 3A driver I have now I can put in it, but if it transfers heat well enough I’ll go with more.
I just finished a triple XPG2 noctigon with the mountain FET driver in a red S2+ host. WOW! Its pulling over 8A on a LG HE2 with my cheap DMM. Gets hot on high within 30 sec. :heart_eyes:
Thanks again for the feedback. Received my S2 host and parts from MTN on Thursday and put it all together last night. Dedomed an XML2 and also purchase a smooth reflector. Also got a Qlite with 7135x8. I soldered on 3 more and put everything together and got about 2.5A at the tail. Bypassed the spring on the driver with 22AWG and hit just over 3A. I can understand a 7135 chip not function correctly…heck, maybe even 2, but not all 3.
I may desolder at some point and try again. However, the S2 heats up pretty fast even at 3A, so it’s fine for now. Still bugs me a little.
Something’s up……What battery? And leads to your DMM make a difference….I bought shorter 12ga silicone wires off ebay, and they make a difference from the stock leads.
Tried an LG ICR and Panasonic NCR. Both should have been up to the task. Also jammed some thick copper ground wires into my DMM, but same results. I’ll pull it back out next weekend and give it another go. Or, I might just order a FET driver and be done with it. I’ve yet to try one of those.