What are your favorite watch/wristwatch forums, and why do you like them?

I was doing research on watchbands, and I found a forum called Watchuseek.

It seems like a very nice place, but I want to know which forums BLF members like most.

I think Watchuseek is the biggest, but is it the best?

So, Please tell me about your favorite watch forum/s. :)

EDIT: And why do you like them?


Here's a list of watch forums that might jog your memory:

Timezone, SCWF, PMWF, Watchuseek, GMT +9, Risingsunwatches, Oriental watch forum, timefactors, The Asian watch forum, tz-uk, orientalwatchsite, rolexforums, OSWF, Bdwf, thewatchforum.co.uk, mwrforum, thewatchboard, timetechtalk, chronocentric, equationoftime, & watchnet.

If you are in to this brand, these forums are pretty nice!

Watchuseek is fine too :slight_smile:


I’m on watchuseek and scwf though I rarely frequent them anymore. I.like both.

But I have to warn you about joining any watch forum. If you think beeing a flashaholic is bad for your wallet you are in for a complete new level of madness :bigsmile:

I never visit a watch forum before but my watch only indicates

No Rolex for me! :bigsmile:

I only buy Timex digital watches.

This one I've had for three years (I paid $28):


For me, it's practically perfect, except for the nylon/leather band.

It gets quite uncomfortable in the summer.

According to this thread...


...most people on Watchuseek (WUS) prefer metal watchbands in hot weather.

I like the looks of mesh stainless-steel watchbands, and a few people on WUS recommended buying from eBay seller goodcheapman:


There weren't many choices for an 18mm watchband, so this is the one I picked for about $12:


It's coming from Hong Kong, and by the time it gets here...

it'll still be scorching hot in Palm Desert. ;)

I never visit a watch forum before but my watch only indicates

Since I bought a LG G Watch for 60 euro, my need for watches vanished.
It show phone notification, I missed so much notification before…
Always on time, well I wonder if a phone operator are not synchronized to atomic clock. I considered buying a Seiko Astron, the one that sync time with GPS signal but it’s not 60 euro.
22mm watchband is so convenient, so many choice.

don't you have a smartphone?

my smartphone has a watch app. tells me time anytime

I have a crappy entry-level Windows Phone that I rarely use or carry.

Meanwhile, I use my sweet digital watch all the time. :crown:

I feel naked without my watch on. I shower, sleep, etc. with it on. I usually wear one of my Seiko automatic's

I’d like to replace my

— simple, thin, analog-dial, Indiglo, waterproof Timex,

which someone made off with a few years ago.

Most of the inexpensive Timex watches I’ve had in the past 35+ years were dead when I tried to replace their battery, wouldn’t restart.

Then I got that good one that lasted through several battery replacements.

Then it grew legs and walked away.

I’d welcome a pointer to something like that.

I just can’t bother to reach into my backpack, and pull out, and turn on my Treo* and wake it up just to check the clock.

  • Treo: it’s not used as a collar-and-leash-and-track-me-phone, more like a portable answering machine I can check when I feel like checking for messages.

I don’t have any preference on watch forums, but I am getting ready to replace my cheap casio with a nicer watch. I’m thinking the new seiko black monster would be a nice fit for me.
Forums are dangerous enough for flashlights, so I definitely don’t involve myself in watch forums. Even the so called “entry level” seiko I want is more than a noctigon meteor.
Good luck finding what you’re after raccoon city. I get the feeling rolex forums won’t be too helpful for a timex man…

I’ve got a weakness for good watches myself and I abide by the same policy.
A couple years ago I bought a Citizen AJ0100-02 when they were closing them out. Decided to upgrade the band and discovered this outfit.

Watchbands and only watchbands, reminded me of the SNL Scotch Tape Store skit. Anyway, they had just what I wanted and when I needed an extra link their customer service was great. Off the topic a little but if you need a band you might check them out, they have plenty of ’em.

I purchased one of these from Amazon last month. I couldn't be happier :)

F**k, the picture shows off my grey hairs!!!

raccoon city, I’m going to agree with Ormbett here, and caution you against the madness! The passion level on these forums is similar to ours, but the items are much more expensive. Stay away!

Atbglenn: That’s good to hear coming from someone with several seikos. Probably won’t happen for a few months at least since I’m moving at the end of this month and I don’t want to spend more than I have to until I’m settled, but I know how I’m spending my money after I get my first big project when I get back to New Mexico.

I have never owned a Timex watch. I dont think they are selling them in Sweden. I have however owned several digital watches, most of them Casios. I find “metalbands” great for most activities except exercise/training. When training I prefer plastic bracelets.

Dont find any forum you like? budgetwatchforums.com is still available :wink:

Is it the added weight or the moisture? I’ve always preferred metal until I came to Hawaii. I’m a bit outside of Hilo, which gets 275 days or rain per year and I find wearing my watch to be very uncomfortable. It never bothered me in New Mexico, but humidity is usually only 10-20% there.

Out of my 4 Seiko automatic's, my new monster is by far the most accurate out of them. I average -3 seconds a day which is much better than my other 3. Your mileage may vary.. I'll say this, it's a fantastic watch.. This is coming from a watch fan since I was kid in the 1960's