I recently bought a Convoy S12 and didnt realize it does not come with a USB charge port installed, and I have no charger for it, not that those are thay expensive, but I heard that the battery that comes with the S12 is an inferior battery (LiitoKala Lii-50E 5000 mAH 3.7v), so I thought to replace it anyways, and then I thought to use the battery from the Fenix PD40R v3.0, but then saw someone say that it is specifically made for the Fenix and wouldnt work for other flashlights, but they were talking about the 2.0 version I think. I cant seem to find where I saw that mentioned and I dont know why they said that.
Is there any reason why the Fenix ARB-L21-5000 V2 5000mAh rechargeable 21700 battery that comes with the PD40R v3.0 flashlight wouldnt work in the Convoy S12? Its protected, and it said to use unprotected batteries according to sellers on Alibaba’s Convoy S12 pages. Not sure why they would say that, but the Fenix ARB-L21-5000 V2 5000mAh rechargeable 21700 battery has a maximum output of 7.5a and the S12 has a regulated driver plus I believe that it wouldnt need that many amps current, so it shouldnt matter.
Why would they specify to use an unprotected battery and if the Fenix ARB-L21-5000 V2 5000mAh rechargeable 21700 battery wont work, whats a good 21700 for the S12? Can I just charge whatever battery that is in the PD40R v3.0? Or does that only allow charging of certain battery types?
Generally speaking unprotected batteries are better in performance lights such as your Convoy.
Protected batteries have a protection circuit that trips when you charge or discharge the battery too fast, or it will trip in some other situations much like a circuit breaker. The protection circuit adds height to the battery.
In performance lights, you really dont want to limit the current as you will be limiting the output. This is what a protected battery would do.
The Fenix battery technically will work if it fits. That USB charging port adds hight to the battery.
Bottom like, keep the Fenix battery in your Fenix and get yourself a performance battery for your Convoy. Also get a decent charger for twenty bucks.
Lastly, the battery that may have come with the Convoy is not the best but also very far from the worst. Dont hesitate to use it.
So I decided to order a Fenix PD40R v3.0 flashlight in the hopes that instead of needing to buy an additional battery and a charger for the Convoy S12, that I could instead save an extra $30 or so and just put the ARB-L21-5000 v2.0 in the Convoy S12 as needed, making my total price for Fenix PD40R v3.0 that much less.
Upon trying the battery out, the S12 works fine, with both modes. The light throws at least 30 feet I dont have a longer room to check more distance.
I can feel the heat from the UV lights on my skin at up to a foot away, and see UV flourescence on articles from many feet away in brightly lit rooms, so the power is there, regardless if its a protected battery.
Does anyone see any reason why not to use this battery in the Convoy S12? I just want to know I wont burn the LEDs out if I do this.