I thought this may be useful for SELLERS to look at, to see what their buyers feelings are towards them if (sadly) things go sour!
I voted the second one. I really value good communication. Even if a seller eventually “makes it right” with my original issue, if the communication isn’t good, I will probably never buy from them again. On the flip side, if the seller keeps up good communication with me, I’m often willing to work out a mutually beneficial compromise if the item is still partially useful, rather than demand full refund and/or free replacement.
I am not bias,this is just my experience. There are numerous Good American dealers.For the most part I stick with them and have faith in them. When it comes to China[not my first choice] you never know what your going to get.My short experience on here with a group buy where I still have not heard back from him. Two emails. I am not alone others have had the same experience!
I also voted #2. All I ask is just be considerate and keep me informed. Things happen and I understand that. it is when communication is ignored and the “Not knowing” that irritates me. In my book there is no excuse.
Same concept in personal relationships. If something happens and plans change, just let the other person know. There is no excuse not to with all the means of communication that we have.
So far.
Since ’03. I’ve only been caught about 3 times.
ALL China. all small item, size and cost wise.
One word.
I’m 100% it that time.
Where’s the problem anybody else not being 100%?.
Same as me too - communication is key when things go wrong (and even when they go right). Being left dangling is about the worst outcome for me, that is sure to wind me up more quickly.
Not just ‘any’ communication either, it has to have some value, not just ‘hello, you wait 1 more week….’ or ‘check your post office’ (like they hold on to post…) - though anything is better than nothing in most cases.
A big gripe for me is when they offer you a reduced refund to keep a broken item (or totally a wrong item) - also when they offer store credit rather than refund.
I’ve rec’d a coupla DOA’s over the yrs.
Each time I ask for a replacement not refund.
I ordered that item cause I WANTED that item.
Nothing is perfect every time.
Every time, replacement has had some QC, and works fine.
Basically they just CNC. assemble, and post.,
% age wise. They probably get very little returns
when you look at volumes involved.
And the quality you DO get. per dollar paid by us. Even for the cheapies.
We waaaaay ahead in the real world.
I smile EVERY time I open a packet and look at what’s inside.
Don’t you?.
I count myself lucky. In the many of overseas orders, I have only had a problem with 3. All three were faulty products right out of the box. Two of them were dealt with quickly and I wouldn’t hesitate to buy again. The third, not so much. I eventually did get some satisfaction but it just wasn’t worth the trouble.
I am a patient person and I am aware it is going to be multiple weeks before my cheap product with free shipping makes it here. I save tracking numbers but rarely check them. I refuse to get all worked up about something I am use to not having anyway. If it gets here it gets here. If it don’t then I have other options. I just set reminders on the PC about my orders. They usually arrive before I get the reminder.
I have had more issues with US based sellers than I have had with overseas sellers. No problems with manufacturers, just the sellers. There are a few I just refuse to do business with anymore. Seems the bigger the US seller, the more I have problems with them. Strange but true. I’d honestly rather wait for something from China than deal with most US sellers. Sad really.
My uncle gives me a hard time on a regular basis about not buying from US companies. He somehow thinks that since we live here we bear some kind of responsibility to order from US companies regardless of the sellers ability to make customers happy. Guess he isn’t aware that planes fly over the oceans now and boats make it here on a regular basis.
Well I had a very good run with minor glitches ordering from China. Always able to work it out. Then I ordered a stupid GITD gasket for my FW3x. Never received it and when I inquired they said it was my fault. I didn’t purchase insurance so I have no claim. The stupid item was $6.99 at the time. So iffn you don’t purchase insurance, you are not guaranteed delivery, just shipment? Seems to me that the sending party should be the one to purchase insurance iffn it is needed. I did not escalate it to a Paypal dispute, although maybe I should’ve.
Iffn Banggood does that again to me, I will take it as far as I can and delete my account with them.
Why is it on the buyer to guarantee delivery? He isn’t the one making money on the transaction?
But when you look at the prices. Delivered.
You/we. Normally pay 4 or 5 or more times the price if bought at home.
Coupla three bucks for ins ain’t really too bad.
Everything over $5AUD I Insure.
Under that. Well, Maybe yes. Maybe no??.
Don’t really matter. I pay more than that for a coffee.
It IS usually 98% YES though, even from China.