What charger for 2017?

I popped mine last night in anticipation of today……. :wink:

I just wanted to know if it’s safe to order the Liitokala from aliexpress or not…

Yeah for the Samsung INR18650-35E 3500mAh there may be some loss of cycle life charging at 2000ma. Whether it is “significant” or not remains to be seen. Much of that might possibly depend on what one considers “significant”.

That is why one should know the battery they are dealing with & charging, if they want to achieve optimum long life for it. The spec sheets for most batteries are easy to find if one does a ‘search’. Or just go to HKJ’s Site and have a look around.

It should be. I got mine from GearBest best I remember. But as far as I know AliExpress should be fine. :slight_smile:

I got a Lii-500 from Aliexpress a few weeks ago for $14 (without a power supply) as a spare back up to the 2 x Lii-500”s I already have.
It works fine & is as far as I can make out genuine :+1:

I got mine from there as well several months ago for $15 without the PS. So far it’s been great. I highly recommend it.

liiike… $15 plus $15 shipping?


No, I got mine with free shipping at the time. Now they’re charging $15 and change for shipping. What a bummer!

No $14 delivered. I am in the UK mind so I don”t know if that makes any difference ?

Try this one $13 and $2 shipping over 1500 orders and they have q coupon now for a $1 off if you spend $5


ordered, thanks.
EDIT: hahah i was too dim to notice the coupon! dollar not saved.

Wow, that turned fast and at risk of stoking the fire further I have a genuine question. From the slides it appears that higher state of charge causes greater loss of life than fast charging although the data is limited and I’m perhaps interpreting wrongly, but regardless of the slides, it is generally well accepted that high SoC for long periods reduces life.

So if a slow charger (or rate) is used, and it terminates as a previous comment mentions (which I believe is correct), at far lower currents, it will achieve a higher state of charge and therefore reduce life.

So what I’m, badly, getting at… Is the slow charger going to actually reduce life more than the fast one?

I recently just got a third Lii-500 for $14 delivered<<< Would you mind sending me a PM of where? I was checking Amazon and hey are pretty much nuts with their prices...


I got mine from Aliexpress, here is a link for one delivered to the USA for $14 https://www.aliexpress.com/item/-/32586550153.html?trace=msiteDetail2pcDetail
This is without the 12v 2A power supply though (same as mine was) but if you don”t have a supply you can use then you can pick them up for around $3.

I found it about the time I got the email about your reply... I was trying to locate one inside the U.S. This does not seem possible lol

Hmmmmm, OK. :+1:

In other words, in the larger connotation; quantifiable parameters must be viewed in the context of the intrinsic statistical differences & the surrounding environment.

Taking the overall view that appropriate technology must be viewed in the context of summative evaluation.

Makes sense to me……… :wink:

From all I’ve ever heard, absolutely not.

I routinely do mine at 400mA, as I’m rarely in any rush to charge a cell.

Funny thing about this thread is no matter which is best among the contending opinions, the way I use my “more than one light and batteries” won’t matter at all with regards to my batteries’ longevity vis-a-vis to my lifetime. They are used so sparingly, even my edc light.

A mild irony I should say.

Yeah i was hoping for that too, gave up and went with aliexpress hope for the best. American Express should back me up if the thing falls apart.

illumn has the Nitecore New i4 Intellicharger on sale for $16.99.
Regular price — which is what I paid but with free shipping — is $26.50.
Shipping is free for orders over $50; Priority Mail for just this item is $8.

illumn says this is the current model, not a closeout.


I’d be curious how other smartchargers compare with the New i4.
Does anyone with the Lii-500 have hands on experience with the i4?

Mine works fine. I use it in place of my venerable Pila and Maha models. I honestly don’t notice much difference in charging times. Temperatures never rise above warm. I’m not looking for anything fancy, just plug and charge safely.

One nit: AA and AAA size batteries have to be placed just so in order to get their tips to connect with the charger. No biggie.