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I cannot answer your poll…. it has been blue and black and white and gold for me.
What’s wrong with you!!! It’s a DRESS!!! Grrrr. :zipper_mouth_face: (vote submitted)
ebony and teal
You mean this dress?
Just turn it to B+W, simple, colour is over-rated anyway
Cheers David
I confess, more interested in the contents.
Your perception of the dresses color depends on the bin of your flashlights emitter.
On a more serious note…… the power of the viral internet never ceases to amaze!
BLF too?!
Its red! Or it will be after I get done with all you people then use it to clean off my baseball bat.
The real question is why is Boaz going to wear a dress in the first place?
You haven't heard? Boaz looks good in a dress.
InfinitusEquitas that’s a badass post!!!
May be white
Is there a dress in that picture? I don’t see one! 0:)
What are you talking about it's getting in the way of that fantastic booble logo. Google, I meant google :p
Now... what's up with this one?
[quote=Boaz] What color is the dress ? [/quote]
I'm gonna go with black and blue. 8)
Nice dress!
I have seen it as both. I think it all depends on the screens you are looking at, the lighting you are in and all that other crap.
The dress is actually blue and black in real life according to an article ebay posted about it