What color to Cerakote flashlights *UPDATE: flashlights now cerakoted*

I had to GTS “google that $@&t”.

Lots of info on the Glock finish here

I make my own kydex holsters. I don’t worry too much about aesthetics, just functionality. Below is a holster I made for my Cerakoted Ruger 22/45 Lite.

Nice, any chance you could link that clip?

What do you mean?

It’s a great clip

Oh ok

It’s a BladeTech Tek-Lok

They also have knock off versions at Fasttech

Just an update, I cerakote each Hd-2010. One in Titanium blue and one in safety orange. The titanium blue is already up for sale.

I also cerakoted a UF-1405 for one of the physicians I work with. He wanted it to use on his boat and for hunting. It’s safety orange. His package included a pill with a CW XM-L2 at 4A and a pill with a red XP-E2 at 2.4A. I replaced the cheapo switch. Added 4 Soshine 5500mAh 26650’s and a Xtar SP2. Not a bad little package. Run time should be phenomenal with the Soshine batteries.

Does the paint come in gloss and flat or does something else determine the finish?

The amount of hardener used determines semi gloss or flat. Also the color. Some colors just never look to have any gloss.

Some new pics

HD-2010 MT-G2

BLF X6 Oops, tube is reversed. I haven’t built this one yet

HD-2010 MT-G2

JeffN’s UF-1503

Those look great, can’t wait for the sales thread to start.

You may have said already, but once sales start, how much do you think a single-tone job would be on a flashlight the size of a Convoy S2 or SF L2?

Both of those are fairly small lights. $15-20 plus shipping. Just depends on if I’m spraying other lights the same color or just a one time spray.

I’ve decided that I may offer batches where people get a little bit better price to have multiple people doing the same color at the same time. It’s much easier on me. I have to basically mix X amount to get proper consistent ratios. Especially on small lights there would probably be waste. It’s easier to absorb the cost of any potential waste spread out over multiple lights.

I’ll take it!

Very nice job — thanks. Can’t wait to get it.

Like a mini groupbuy? “10 spots open for this run of safety orange. Sign up here.” That sort of thing? That’s a good idea to keep costs down (and save you time)

JeffN, Glad you like it! You’ll have to post up a review when you receive it. I won’t mention the specs I got with it, I’ll leave that up to you :wink: By the way, it is on 100% only mode with the guppydrv software. I left it on that for testing purposes.

Yeah, something along those lines. I’ll probably limit it to 10 lights per batch and people will save $5 per light. Any more than that will get chaotic keeping parts together. If people want it faster they can pay the extra $5 for the setup (the prices I listed before somewhere). I’ll also probably make a color request list for colors I don’t have like zombie green, white, electric blue, etc. Once I get enough people signed up, say 15, I’ll purchase that color to do their lights.

WTS Cerakote services thread here