What Convoy to get with XHP70.3 Hi ?


What Convoy will better fit for XHP70.3 Hi led?

I was planning to get MAO M21B 37.25€ |Mao konvoi m21b 70,3 taschenlampe xhp 50,3 hi, xhp2.5hi| | - AliExpress

But maybe larger head will fit this emitter better? Or this doesn’t matter much? Also looking for a model with an efficient boost driver.


I’m curious too. have the M21D in my cart, but also thinking about the 2cell m21g version

I'm also thinking the same thing.

I'm looking at the M21C, but I think the head is too large for my pocket.

Unfortunately, there's not as many choices if you want a tail switch like I do.

Depends if you want throw or flood

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I would caution you to first decide if you’re OK with a yellowish/greenish tint at all levels other than 100%. I have the 70.3 HI at 5000K in the M3-C, and now find myself trying to figure out how to order minus green 1/8 to try to fix it.

Anyway, if you need high sustained lumens, the M3-C host is like a miracle. It will stay on a not hot 40% (around 1500lm) for three hours if you order the M3-C with included extended tube and included 26800 6800 mAh battery.

The M3-C seems to have a very large amount of weight in the head to dissipate heat with. Looks slightly an odd shape, but that high sustained lumens is really a nice trick.

I don’t think any other Convoy S or M series lights will hold sustained lumens above 700 because none of them has the weight/mass in the head to dissipate the heat the same with the M3-C does.

PS. the throw with the 70.3 HI in the M3-C is 50% further than with a 70.2 or 70.3HD… from about 360 feet to about 500 feet.

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Is the green tint of the 70.3 Hi more noticeable than a 70.2 in the M3-C host? Wondering if you have compared these directly? I already have the 70.2 version of the light but I’m tempted to try a 70.3 Hi

Simon’s 4000k 70.3 hi is a 5D tint. Which is around or below bbl.

2 Thanks

. Let me wait until tonight, and I will try to post a beam shot of the MC-3 with XHP 70.3 HI 5000K, vs. a light I gave my daughter with an LH351D in 5000k from the Sofirn S11C little zoomie. That particular LH351D looks like a rose, pun intended, compared to my example of the 70.3 HI at 5000K. It’s possible Simon got screwed with a not very good batch of 70.3 HI at 5000K. I noticed it a lot more at night that I had noticed playing with it in the day.

I am keeping mine anyway. Where else will you find an LED that throws 500 meters with a nice spill, and runs at 1500 lm for three hours? I’m just going to get some minus green to fix that slight greeniness. No fried egg though!

So I have the Acebeam X75 with the 70.3 HI. It’s quite magnificent. I haven’t noticed the yellowish/green tint though even on low power.

To me it’s the perfect combination of flood and throw

as soon as I can figure out how to attach a photo, I will insert it here.

here is the beamshots of Convoy M3-C with XHP 70.3 HI in 5000k, on the left, and the LH351D in 5000k from the sofirn mininzoomie SC11, on the right. Is it possible the zooming lens in the SC11 caused the LH3511D to dip below the DUV line? I am kinda shocked how rosy this particular LH351D is.

otherwise, if you pm me I will email the photo to you.

There's a link in my signature on how to post pics on BLF.

It’s because the 5000K bin he got is green. 4000K in the other hand is neutral or rosy. Fortunately, he informs the bin on the emitter page. Make sure to check before your next order. BTW, the LH351D on the S11C looks good, the tint is close to 519A 5000K.
70.3 HI 5000K from Pioneman was good too (and 90 CRI).

I want an 80,000 lumen Acebeam with the exact color tint of E21A R9050 2000K :slight_smile:

. Yeah, read that. It is actually how to post pics on some external URL so that they can then be linked to this site, so no go for me. I don’t have any picture hosting site.

Anyway, STAY AWAY FROM CONVOY XHP 70.3 HI 5000K. It is truly pea soup combined with piss. I am happy to attach the .jpg to an email if anyone wants to see how green the 5000k looks compared to the 5000k LH351D in the Sofirn $13 S11c. I now have a much better appreciation that not every LH351D has a greenish hue… this Sofirn one if anything is below the DUV line.



. Thanks, it had not occurred to me. Simon should post a note saying Cree screwed him with his bin of 70.3 HI.

It is really strange that Cree would use the M3-C to tout how awesome the 70.3 HI is, then send simon a real dogshit 5000K bin.

If someone is willing, I will email the .jpg photo to your email, you can then post it to your photo hosting site, then link it here. I think people really need to see it to believe it.

That's the only way to post pics on BLF.

You can sign up for a number of free image hosting sites if you want.

There are tons to choose from.

1 Thank

DunninLA….go here and upload it. This is a simple convenient host site and you don’t have to make an account. If you want to link directly to the url it gives you, ok, or you can (preferred) copy that url and put it in the image upload button thing on the toolbar when you create a post.

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[quote=Correllux] DunninLA....go here and upload it. This is a simple convenient host site and you don't have to make an account. If you want to link directly to the url it gives you, ok, or you can (preferred) copy that url and put it in the image upload button thing on the toolbar when you create a post. https://postimages.org/ [/quote] . Thanks. I realized I could put a review for my Sofirn S11c, attach tht .jpg, and there is a useful URL for linking here. Simon's batch of XHP 70.3 HI, in my M3-C on the left, the LH351D 5000K in the Sofirn zoomie on the right. https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/A98b02c0e33924036a8cbc4f0d318950cl.jpg

1 Thank

WOW that is green…PUKE! Interesting though they are 70.2 versions at 5K, the 4 Convoy lights that I have are not close to that green color. Not close. Actually they are not bad at all.
I think I would contact Simon and ask if he can do something for you on that thing.

Are you sure it is not a setting on the camera that makes it look worse?

Who is getting the better bins if Convoy is getting the crappy ones.