What did you mod today?

Oh, I’ve done this type of work before and put some effort in focusing the beam. However, this LED seems very much an actual Cree but the tint is too high and I’m getting some random (stray) artifacts on the perimeter. I wouldn’t put such effort on a clone. They sometimes (often) don’t have the right beam profile and this would all be useless.

I did look at the die in the scope and does have all the characteristics of Cree.

Thanks Jared. But as I suspected from the start. However, how do you determine such?

Trained eyeball? - The Fake-Cree LED Awareness Thread - The new "low" in Budget lights.

Yeah, many thanks for that link. As for peripheral artifacts, the bezel is aluminium and I can’t open it more as this holds the lens and reflector. But the lens is plastic (I think it’s optic grade acrylic - very clear with very little reflection and no AR coating). I’ve ordered some lenses from Kaidomain and that will come In after the holidays.

Pic of die – I had to play with the camera settings to get a lower reflective shot. So the background looks as a negative.

2nd edit:
Oops, I forgot to explain the lens thing. Scratched and blurred plastic lenses have given me some artifacts in the past.

So I reduced the gasket to its minimum (~.020”) and still the same dark center. But I lost the stray peripheral artifacts.

As Jared pointed out, this be a Lattice Bright. So I’m not putting in more effort. The reflector base reduction will serve for a future update with the XPL3 from my Convoy S9.

As I had originally posted, these cheap zoomies came with my 26650 battery order from Sofirn. Just pondering about it after supper and ballparked some mod. Wasn’t an intentional thing but sort of a sidekick.

So many thanks for your valuable input. Some of those links will be tabbed for further insights.

And I learned some new things along the way.

Good luck with focusing the reflector. If wire thickness is an issue, you could switch to teflon. Very durable and thin. I’ve used it with my quad E17A flashlights since it takes up so much less space than the silicone wires.

Novatac Gen1 mod to sw30:

pic is a link to more info

Finally added an illuminated switch to my S2+ with sst40. Love it!
Does anybody know what size those leds are?

Sipik sk68 clone

Simple feed ramps for deep-carry pocket clips for Zebralight

I have a couple deep carry pocket clips for Zebralights made by third parties. One thing I didn’t like about them is how when I slip them on, the top of my pocket or belt slides into the clip and then stops when it hits the ledge with the screw holes. I then have to manipulate the light to ride over that ledge to fully seat the light as deep as possible.

To address this I made a couple simple feed ramps. These are made from single piece of sheet aluminum cut by hand with big scissors. They have slots that fit around the screws and cannot come out without removing the screws. The metal piece then extends below the clip, bends downward into a ramp and has two side pieces which also bent down.

I used the same sheet of black anodized aluminum sheet for these ramps. The topside of the sheet is black, while the bottom side has a bronze coloring.

They work quite well. Now when I clip these on the light no longer hang up. It always fully seats into the clip.

These ramps have another benefit: One of the clips had deeply countersuck holes. So deep that the clip wouldn’t tighten when screwed onto the light as the screw holes on the light weren’t deep enough. The metal flange which goes around the screw holes slightly lifts up the clip and allows it to screw it in tightly.

Looks good Yorick! They’re 1206 SMD LEDs.

Ti S Mini mod to sw30
pic is a link to more info


Thanks Neutral fan!

Emisar D1, green ano, modded with a SFT40 and 5amp / FET enabled d4v2 driver. All of the mods i have done like this so far have been 7.5amp CC, but i used the FET driver bc i was planning on something else with it. I am running a 10amp Panasonic 3450mah battery and it is BRIGHT, and not overdriving the LED at all. Going to do my next one with an FET as well. green lighted switch is for style points :))

This is awesome. Good mod!

This is great. I regret selling my green D1.

not much of a mod :
Sofirn HS40 is a very nice upgrade on the SP40, but I don’t like HS40 tube design… and I like a lot SP40 and Wurkkos HD15 ones and they lego with each other!

So I use HD15 with SP40 18650 tube and HS40 with HD15 18650 tube (and SP40 with its 18350 tube)

I modified a piece of these deer antler , to make scales for this Cub Scout knife .

It came out like this

Lep with selfmade (Photon)Collar ( plus 30 percent)

a friend of us has made a Photon Collar(Long time ago)



Thanks for sharing Xandre. :slight_smile:

What are these balls? Polishing tools?

How precise did you have to be with focusing the collar over the phosphor?