What did you mod today?

What is the body of this S2+? Looking good.

I found your topic Custom convoy body

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Welcome to BLF maxlume!

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Thanks :slight_smile:

Thanks Max. . . And welcome to the forum., i see you eventually found the correct reply button. Iā€™m sure Jon wonā€™t mind, heā€™s a nice guy.

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Thanks for joining the party, maxlume!

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that white TS10 with SW45K is just absolutely perfect. it is the best emitter.

so far the only TS10v2 I have was the first batch full Ti sandblasted. all of my others are the old V1 model with single color aux. I do need to get more though.

I have since used its driver in another TS10 I modded with a single emitter (dedomed XML2 3000k), TIR, and FWAA (I think) flex RGB AUX board.

some of the XML2 phosphor was damaged, so there is a bit of blue in the beam, but before that happened it was a very lovely rosy warm beam. Iā€™ve had those emitters in two lights, but they are very fragile after the dome is gone. the first one got killed by a tlTIT as well.

1 Thank

that looks very nice. where would one find a red glow gasket like that one? I have had a red one that glowed yellowish orange, but accidentally broke it. I think it was from lumintop?

Might be available at jc customsā€¦?

This one i have (much like the led4power gear) was bought a couple years ago.

Today i tried to anodize my Ti T3 to make it bit more unique and i can say that i successfully failed. Well its not all that bad but for some reason i could not get the front piece to change colors, i even hit it with 70v, so now it looks like this, unique but far from perfect. Next i need to figure out how to remove the coating on the copper part, its too shiny for my liking.

5 Thanks

lol, congratulations :wink:

I have had some success using Acetone (nail polish remover)ā€¦ if all else fails, fine emery paper is guaranteed to work (600, then 1500 grit)ā€¦

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Does that mean the bezel is a slightly different alloy?

1 Thank

Oh yeah, good point on the nail polish remover. I used it to remove the coating on the copper S2+ few years back, so it should work on this one too if they used the same coating.

I am not sure, but i think that i messed up something rather than the bezel being different alloy. This was the first time i tried to do this and the bezel piece was the first one i tried, so chances are its my fault not the metal itself.

2 Thanks

The tailcup is very beautiful in my opinion

Itā€™s a stock amber switch I got from banggood a couple years ago. My multimeter seems to be on the frits as I canā€™t get clear measurement. 301 resistor.

I used copper washer. M16 * 20 * 1.5 From here

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Do yā€™all think Convoyā€™s 16mm PCB with quite deep wire cuts like this:

Will fit instead of the stock 12mm pcb in this flashlight (itp SA1):

The overall diameter shouldnā€™t be a problem but Iā€™m worried itā€™s going to cover the wires. I know there are 10mm PCBs out there like Kaidomain has has them (and the LED itself has better bin) but my total would cost like two times more and I donā€™t want to overspend on a little side project.

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I think youā€™ll be fine and thereā€™s plenty of room to grind out the notches further if needed.

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