Tonight I used my XP-G2 DQG AAA (with magnetic tail) and stuck it on the underside of my bonnet/hood while swapping over and testing various parking lights on my car. Low was bright enough and I had it on for about 30 mins straight, the magnet also felt very strong secure and I didn’t worry about if it might fall.
It was the first time I have actually used it and not just been playing with it.
Also some of the parkers I tested had CREE LED’s in them, very very bright for parkers. I ended up going back to the incandescent bulbs because I love the golden glow that I rarely see anymore.
Replaced the serpentine tensioner (with my son doing the dirty work under the car, single nut on back but very tight to get) so I grabbed the MXDL SA-16 that lives in the car with its dual CR123s to check the belt alignment as we finished. All good!
Edit: Just realized how much we’ve become adapted to having lights staged around the house and grabbing for them. All of these were the same day as the instance above:
- Early AM walkabout with my XPG2 SK68 using fingers as diffusers ’cause I was too lazy to slide the amber filtered Brinkman AAA with it’s hacked Minimag AA NiteIze LED pill from its topless sheath
- After we finished the car I had my keys in my hand and showed my son the fauxton on my car keys (now have light and SAK or multi-tool on car keys).
- ID’d blue dress socks with an E1320 UF-2100
- Used an SK98 in my home office to see under a counter.
- Looked deep in the safe with a no-name multi-LED/laser
Later in the day I was working on her kitchen fluorescent overheads. Even though it was daytime with good ambient light, my wife grabbed her cheapo Ray-O-Vac Roughneck LED to send up some task light!
I used my EagleTac D25C mini to locate stock in a walk in cooler with very dim lighting. I use it daily (at least days that I am working). The D25C or the D25C2 are my EDC lights.
I was hiking on a “usually”desolate trail the other night like I always do with my Siberian.
Some lunatic was drunk and my Siberian Wolf Dog did not like him too much! He then came after me and instead of turning into Bruce Lee[well 40% of Bruce!], I clubbed him over the head with my TK-75, then waited for the Police to arrive!
ok,that was fiction!
I have so many lights, 15 of them for just 11 months of this hobby/obsession/addiction!. A lot of times I use them to navigate my house instead of turning on the lights. that way the 5 or 5 that i rarely use anymore get some use!
Today I crawled around inside a 8600 KW 2 stroke MAN diesel engine and measured piston ring gaps, piston ring vertical clearance and looking if anything was out of order.
I used my Palight M6-2 modded with a warm white Cree XR-E led running a IMR battery on the original driver. Gets toasty after some minutes but gives wonderful working light and clips right on the hearing protection with the original clip.
Dirty work but someone's got to do it. And I kind of like it.
Today I finished up my TR-J19 mod and took it out with me on tonight's walk with the dog. Gobs and gobs of throw! Replaced the driver with one from the DRY and replaced the emitters with dedomed XM-L2 U2-1C Crees on Noctigons along with some resistance mods. Whoowheee! I'm also watching the Walking Dead marathon in the dark right now and shining my Convoy L4 about the room.
I also use my flashlights a lot to navigate the house in the evening instead of switching on the main lights. Makes life much more fun! :)
Yesterday I again used my Sipik SK73 to find something I dropped on the floor, by the long shadow.
My most recent major use was to help clean up a flood in a neighbor’s condominium unit, before it reached ours. The power had been turned off in case the water got to the circuits, and there is no window in the bathroom.
I own over a dozen Geocaches in my area, and a fiew of them are Night/UV-Caches. we love going out in the local trails around here Geocaching and taking lots of lights !