What do you do for a living?

Field Quality Engineer for an auto manufacturer.

Retired engineer here.

I'm just a gigolo and everywhere I go people know the part I'm playing.

When I'm not banging old ladies for money I'm a network/systems administrator. :D

Use my lights all the time on stage. I have 100ea. par 64 1000 watt nsp incans hanging onstage at this gig. A whole lotta heat going on. I’m looking to convert to led pretty soon here. I have not seen led cans that’ll keep up yet. They are advancing fast though.

Apprentice fitter and turner machinist. Half a month away from my 2nd year. I hope to be making my own flashlight host soon.

This .

i figured it was hair

I used to be a Trauma Nurse. I joke with my co-workers that now we are ER Drama Care nurses. A psychiatric patient tried to kill me, damn near succeeded. That prompted me to look for non-violent stand-off weaponry and brought me to a bright programmable light with the ability to strobe. I use my lights all of the time at work. Lesions and other “Skin Things” are much easier to see diagnostically with a neutral to slightly warm LED light. I get a kick showing doctors that are using cold LEDs the difference. My lights have saved me, coworkers and patients as well as illuminated some things I wish that I would never have seen and I hope to someday forget. BTW, strobe does not work on dogs.

Jack, that’s a first rate monkey fist. Did you make it?

Law enforcement…use my lights every day and my life depends on them!

Yep . Thanks .

I freeload. :crown:

Go to school, walk down the street, push shopping carts for a while, then go home.

Boilermaker, jackass of all trades, master of none.

Civil engineer working in telecom industry

Medical Engeneer - thats what i do actually and the 15 years before

but i sold also Fireworker equipment / motorcycles / bikes…

Project manager also working in the telecoms industry. Never used flashlights at work but I still EDC them. I use lasers more for presentations.

I am a 'technical teaching assistant' in a secondary school, I manage all inventory of the science department, I do the preparations for experiments in the science classes, help in the lessons, and try to get the pupils to clean up their mess afterwards ( :-( ).

In Holland we call it a 'Keesje'

Telecommunications/Electronics Engineer here office based, so no need for torches in the workplace. It’s a hobby for me since being a young kid.

Software engineer mainly but medically retired now. I’ve worked with everything from low level firmware controlling telecommunication equipment to designing high level software architecture for a VoIP gateway. I’ve mostly worked independently but I had a stint at “managing” other software engineers (it’s like trying to herd cats). I’ve worked at large publicly traded companies on both private and government contract work and found that I much prefer the non-government work due to less politics and waste. Flashlights now help fill some of the engineering void left by my inability to do any of that. But they also torment me because of the wide array of choices and the small amount of money that we have.

at risk of derailing this thread, this video is too good not to post