What do you do for a living?

Medical Engeneer - thats what i do actually and the 15 years before

but i sold also Fireworker equipment / motorcycles / bikes…

Project manager also working in the telecoms industry. Never used flashlights at work but I still EDC them. I use lasers more for presentations.

I am a 'technical teaching assistant' in a secondary school, I manage all inventory of the science department, I do the preparations for experiments in the science classes, help in the lessons, and try to get the pupils to clean up their mess afterwards ( :-( ).

In Holland we call it a 'Keesje'

Telecommunications/Electronics Engineer here office based, so no need for torches in the workplace. It’s a hobby for me since being a young kid.

Software engineer mainly but medically retired now. I’ve worked with everything from low level firmware controlling telecommunication equipment to designing high level software architecture for a VoIP gateway. I’ve mostly worked independently but I had a stint at “managing” other software engineers (it’s like trying to herd cats). I’ve worked at large publicly traded companies on both private and government contract work and found that I much prefer the non-government work due to less politics and waste. Flashlights now help fill some of the engineering void left by my inability to do any of that. But they also torment me because of the wide array of choices and the small amount of money that we have.

at risk of derailing this thread, this video is too good not to post

That’s no fun!Must share with others!

Well, they certainly did a better job than I was able to do. LOL

I sell my body to older women...Surprised

I've been flat out broke & out of work for about 10 years now.Cry

rimshotTongue Out

EDIT: Actually I am a Security Guard, which means I sit in a chair all night and look at a closed up plant, waiting for the last day to come... The first response just sounded more interesting.

then you are not advertising correctly :bigsmile:

I have it on good authority that OL advertises by word of mouth.

there is his first problem, perhaps he needs to hire an advertising firm 8)

traffic warden 0:)

Actually I totally envy you living in Nova Scotia. Beautiful nature settings up there.

I work for an energy company, particularly in a 7400 hectare geothermal development block with 5 geothermal plants providing electricity to different islands of my country - I’m the head of security.

I’m teaching about insects in a local university but sometime i went to the forest and used my flashlight looking for frog :bigsmile:

I can’t talk about anything I do. But it’s usually interesting …. and sometimes very sad.

<— My avatar basically expains my job. (penguin = Linux = free software)

I don’t need lights for work, but they’re great fun the rest of the time. Yesterday on a work trip, my coworkers and I all got out our world currency to see what pretty markings showed up under my black light, a SF L2m with a KD UV drop-in. That’s about as work-related as my lighting hobbies have been lately. Usually we all work from home, from around the world.

Back when I was in a data center, a nice headlamp was very useful when modifying or repairing server hardware. And when I was building last-mile wireless networks, portable lights came in useful for all sorts of things.

I work in a paper mill that makes 100% recycled linerboard. I am the machine tender on my crew so basically I get to watch a bunch of monitors and tweak the process for 12 hours a day. I worked 80+ hours last week and probably the same this week. Nice payday but not much time to hack flashlights. |(

Overnight hospitality management.