What do you prefer at same price: a ganzo g720 or a mora pro s/mora companion mg stainless and why?
You might want to add pics and spec to your OP so people know what you’re trying to compare.
One is a folder, and one is a fixed blade, correct?
I like both, but they have different roles. The folding Ganzo will get less looks, even though the blade is larger, it is a stout knife for sure.
The Mora companion is a “small” fixed blade, but for some reason, people look at fixed blades for every day carry like you want to be Rambo…. When it comes to batoning the knife through wood, the fixed blade beats the folder every time.
I guess it would depend on the situation you are looking to carry the knife. I will also give you the standard BLF line of “BUY BOTH” as they are around $20 each… :bigsmile:
Really i would like to see reasons for buying a quality chinese knife over a mora or the opposite.
Stout? I do not know that word but google translate says “black beer”.
“Stout knife for sure” what is the meaning of that?
stout...strong or robust
Guinness stout is a stout beer
It is a very weird question. It is like comparing a land Rover with a compact Mercedes. Both are good but both are quite different. I own both but don’t use either that much. The Ganzo is the more tactile of the two mind you.
and what kind of batteries do they use?
You know what they say about someone who brings a knife to a flashlight fight, I mean, flashlight forum?
There is no reason to buy one over the other unless you have a need for either the folder or the fixed blade. I apologize for the term “Stout” it does mean strong or robust, I did not see that you were not speaking your native language.
If Mora offered a folding knife that was as tough as the Ganzo G720, I would buy that over the Ganzo, the steel on Mora knives has always been good for me.
If Ganzo made a fixed blade like the Mora, I would buy the Mora as I have had experience with them and have not been let down in those experiences.
Do not take this to be a deficit for the Ganzo knives though. I have more experience with Mora, but ask me in a couple of years, my Ganzo knives are my new best friends. I have the G720 and G724M and would not give them up. If I had to give them up, or lost them, the Ganzo knives are cheap enough that it would bother me only a little.
This is the biggest advantage to all of these budget knives, Mora or Ganzo, you get a great product at a price you can afford more than one. I like to have a few Mora’s, one for the car, one for the tool box and one for my camping gear. Now with the Ganzo being about the same price, I can do the same with a good, strong folding knife. To have just one would be a tough choice, the Ganzo is smaller when folded, the Mora is always ready and no moving parts to break…
Sounds like “both” is the right answer. You have about $40 invested in both, and that’s a heck of a deal.
Yes, i know all. I am comparing two differents styles, a folder and a fixed knife, but the core of the thing was that if you like fixed or folder, if it does not matter, if the world fame of mora (really cheaper than the g720) was enough to has a clear winner.
RemanG: yes,it is not my native tongue but i can use it, it is not perfect but (perhaps) enough. Stout was a strange word for me and i had to find it in google translate, saying me “black beer” and my face: :~
Thanks for the detailed response!.