I remember ages ago there was some 4 bay LCD intelligent charger reviewed as a Dream Charger. It was overpriced and buggy back then when I read about it before, but we had hopes of a price drop and better firmware or something. Is that charger still around? Did it improve or vanish or what? I’m looking for something like it. Discharge function and capacity measure of 18650.
It was a dream. But, after reality kicked in, they did do a good number of things reasonably well, such as those you appear to specify. I just wish it wasn’t noisy, stinky and could take more than 2x26650s as promised
Thanks guys! That BTC-3100 was it. I’ll go try and find who has one. Aliexpress, Gearbest, something. They were like $60 then. Hopefully cheaper now. I just want something to cycle my pile of laptop pulls through once in a while
They got down to $39 or might have been a couple bucks less after the GB hit eleventy billion units, they sold a heap, but I think they were often around $41 at GearBest. Look for the v2 or v2.? or v3, cant recall which it was. It improved in the subsequent versions.
There’s also a BT-C3400 version being sold on Amazon, which apparantly has an upgraded AC power adapter? I’m not sure but I bought the 3400. I don’t have a 3100 version to compare.
Works great for me so far. Currently analyzing all my laptop pull cells in it.