You can see the archived poll results on the Wayback Machine:
I just wondered, as time goes on and light get more ‘funked up’ what flicks your switch - what would you like to see more of in your future lights?
Zooming TIRs
I was about to not vote, not even for the last option because I hate M@g-lite. But then I remembered how much of a consumer’s dream the Nitecore TUP is with that display. Hope we get more of that from budget brands soon!
Yeah, the maglite one is a bit tongue in cheek really It was meant to mean ’ just a regular no frills job’ ie, a plain bog standard C8 - I’ll reword it.
I’m the opposite Lightbringer, though I do appreciate a simple light too.
certainly an app enabled one would have numerous uses, and no doubt some clever clogs on here could write apps too - would be extremely useful for data, waking you up…. making the breakfast…
There may even be arguments for a camera inside………. you never know when walking the dog etc
Only if it has a self-destruct feature…
The light I’d most like to see is something the size of a Convoy L6 (2 x 26650) format running anduril. Or a K1 scaled up to a 2 x 26650.
Interchangeable emitters? Oh no… then we will buy less lights (but seriously, interchangeable emitters???)
My favorite feature is Andúril-type ramping.
It's been around a little while, but I love it!
I voted for LCD / Oled Displays.
I've never had a flashlight with that feature, but it sounds good to me.
My charger has one of those displays, and it's very nice.
Sustained turbo mode. High CRI.
USB-C charging and firmware flashing
Tint ramping of Sofirn IF25 in FW4* / Emisar D4.
Nichia Tunable led Imagine having every tint (2700k to 6500k, 90+ CRI) from just a single emitter
Biscotti/Bistro/Anduril boost drivers that will fit in AA and AAA lights.
Anduril support for RGB leds (like the old Dr. Jones RGB driver )
USB-C charging
1. digital battery charge gauge that can be turned off.
2. ASCOB (from Westminster Dog Show).
3. free shipping.
A 300mm reflector will almost get that itch, scratched.
ive just put aux leds GTID etc
for the form factory i will buyis the lumintop fw3-fw21 pro (max size)
ive seen a little nitecore light with lcd screen and it looks so interesting, but the light is square, not sure if i love the style,maybe it could grow on me and ill order one
but the form factor that i love wouldnt take wifi , touch screen or make my coffee either
so for me
aux leds and gaskets!
Adjust / upload firmware wireless
Ooooh this has turned up to be interesting - I did think about adding more options, but though t it would be too much. Keep the ideas coming in here though hopefully now and again a flashlight manufacturer will look in!