What flashlight do you keep beside your bed?

humongous home depot house brand light

[not coast] - something ‘tech’ but not utilitech

car ran over it, the whole thing is bent about 3 degrees off straight

anyway i found it in the gutter

3 C cells, prob 15 years old, cold light, very throwy, one or 2 levels, SHARP edges on the end

Photos, or it didn’t happen :stuck_out_tongue:

Blf Q8. Don’t need more, don’t want less.

Acebeam X70

For the last decade (more or less) I’ve been using the same bedside light: Eagletac GX25A3 with the addition of a rubber anti-roll ring. I also keep a Fenix TK20 (the old 2-AA version with warm white LED) in case I want something with a tactical switch.

So many choices. But D4V2, Tool AA, recently TS10 Red aux 4000.

Morning all, new to the site but love it.
Bedside, I have a Sofirn SP26 BLF and LT1 lantern (replaced my Rayovac Sportsman, got tired of D cells).

Thorfire VG10 (SS bezel) with Osram KW CSLNM1.TG and Convoy SST-40 5A driver.
With a tiny hardly visible CPU led under a translucent tailcap as a beacon.
The light starts in moon mode, and is almost a lightsword on max.

Currently one of these

Here is when i started collecting vintage lights 8 years ago, not i have 5 or 6 times as many.

The vintage light posts are astounding. Love some of the brass bodies.

I keep either an EDC18 or D4V2 (just picked the D4 up with 519As) on my desk and in my bedside drawer.

I'd love to have my EDC18 modded with 519As, but I don't know who to go to, or if they would actually fit. Unless Hank comes out with a D3V1 of course. ;)

A Wizard.

I forgot my self-illuminated ebook-reader and will have to use an older Obreey PocketBook with passive display for another week. Hard to read without another light source, so the Wizard stepped in. Perfect solution.

Besides the ones I mentioned above, sometimes I also use my WoodJewl :blush:

Oh, maybe I need help worse than I thought. In addition to the ones I listed previously from memory, I have a BLF A6, Astrolux S41, UV Convoy S2+, Jaxman E2L, and a couple of S21As, and reds I use a bike lights in the drawer.

The bottom shelf of my nightstand has an Astrolux FT03, an FT03s, a 2XD Maglite, 2 3xD Maglites, a Thorfire S70, and Convoy L2.

But I’m not afraid of the dark. And I can quit any time I want.