I was trying to buy some tritium vials the other day. On Aliexpress they are hardly available at all, and prices have tripled at least. What happened? I seem to remember that a year ago they were all over the place for cheap. Even Neal carried them back then.
Is this another Covid thing, and if so, how? Does anyone know?
Some industry production lines got severely screwed up by the pandemic. It appears tritium was low on the list. So supply is scarce and thus, markets have reacted. Some vendors that offer a tritium vial installation are charging a $30 premium. For ONE vial!
Frankly, I think we’ll have to wait about 1~2 years for prices to return to what they were pre-COVID. And they may never go back to what they were in 2019, as this era of maximum profit optimization may seek to keep prices high for as long as possible.
Not all glow tape is created equal. I’ve bought some cheap stuff that didn’t hold a good glow for very long. OTOH, I bought a roll from a brand called Captan Glow Tape and it has been really good. But this was a few years ago and that brand is gone… Now I’m seeing one called FUZE being promoted on Amazon.