Hey Guys, new guy here from Northwest Arkansas. Based on info perused from the forums here I have already picked up the BLF A6 and am thrilled with it. I also have the S70S in the mail and am about to drop my name in the hat for the BLF SRK… awesome!
That sounds like you will have a lot of fun here! Welcome to BLF.
Welcome bikedave99 !
you have reached the point of no return
Welcome.., we got you in nothing ! Just showed you a road.., but if you want to see every and each grain of sand on it , is you to blame !!! As for myself , I feel no guilt... , just an no measurable pity for my wallet ...
Shoot, three weeks ago I was happy with my iPhone flashlight and thrilled with my hardware store flashlight…
And there is always the rush for more light…
Reminds me to this picture i saw in another topic, don’t know who posted it again.
Welcome to BLF!
just only order something new when you really know the latest arrival, smear t out, having more fun with each new arrival
An important referance link
Flashaholics Anonymous: The Flashlight Purchase Refusal Kudos Thread
Flashaholics Anonymous: The Flashlight Purchase Refusal Kudos Thread
You have been warned
Excellent resource Ronin, have to be able to spread the funds around to also feed the insatiable homebrew and knife making beasts.
Hi and welcome bikedave. Ronin has some good advice threads linked above. I’d also advice to stay away from two of The Millers threads as well.
Welcome to BLF bikedave99! You’re starting off with some nice flashlights.
How are you doing bikedave99! So nice to have a new friend here!
We're very glad to have you here, bikedave99!