people accuse me of being “zany”, and really sometimes i am… BUT, often enough? I’m really just telling the truth. And? at 45? I have done enough soul searching, pondering, wondering about my philosophy, enough to say…
I am PLAYING with my flashlights! Wheee!
(god that feels good to just SAY it, LMAO… i am PLAYING most times.)
Yeah, i can gang my hat on the idea that i DO NEED, and actually NEED a “good” flashlight fro work, delivery driver after th sun goes down.
I actually NEED a flashlight to go thru the woods, or down to the river to fish at night, or cutting thru an alley sometimes…
but… I honestly dont “need” a thousand lumens, lmFao… i can reliably get by just FINE with probably 200 “good honet” lumens, and just th right medium and low settings… with a good reflector…
at THAT point? i’m plain just having FUN with it. I have fallen in love with a well focused emitter, and swinging it around on 1000 lumens, “looking for the house number”, hee hee snicker
its getting a bit ridiculous now? i was looking at the 135 dollar “HID” lights someone posted about? If it wasnt for the 45 second warm up period, LMAO… i can just picture the look on someones face if tey saw me casually touch THAT thing off “to see house numbers” on a dark street, lmao…
this all happened quite by accident. I was looking into building long range infrared emitters… which led me way from the laser sites, to the flashlight sites… and i guess i spent a couple months too many playing with LED emitters… i got hooked…
but… i remember PLAYING with flashlights as a kid? and getting yelled at for wasting batteries. Older walking? i watched my ON battery usage as the alkaline costs add up…
i’m like a little kid with my lithium ion rechargeables now, honest to god… I can just PLAY, and it doesnt cost me anything extra, LMAO… (nickle cadmum sucked, back in the day… i honestly dodnt believe them when they said the new Nickle metal hydride was “good now”… lol