What is the best tactical flashlight in a consumers eye.

What is the best value and best tactical flashlight. I have some squatters sneaking into a property and police are lame. I would like to light em up with real lumens on strobe . Retna burning so they can’t find this property again. Best for the buck. Honest opinions.

Thanks for joining the party, rjmin5!
I don’t think that a flashlight would be a good solution for your problem.
Even if you found a flashlight that could burn the squatters’ retinas, I think that would just escalate to more violence.
Just my opinion.
Hopefully someone else can come up with a better solution for you because I can’t think of one right now. :+1:

I don’t know where you are in the world, but if you mean literally retina-burning you’re going to find yourself in legal trouble, even if that is actually possible with a flashlight.

If you want bright strobe to annoy and provoke them then pretty much any tactical-marketed flashlight will do the job.

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Yep, but I don’t know how good of an idea it is to piss off people that clearly don’t care about breaking the law. :thinking:

Idk, you could always try this guy’s method.

Short version: He moves in with the squatters and becomes a bad roommate. Squatters leave on their own and he secures the building.

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Welcome! For a pure tactical light, you really can’t do better than these for high (over 2500 Lumens) which is plenty to cause discomfort if shined in eyes:

Acebeam L35 V2 (around 5000 measured Lumens)
Acebeam L19 V2 (1800 measured-but long throw)
Acebeam P17 Defender (4000+ Lumens measured)
Acebeam P18 Defender
Klarus XT21 or XT11GT Pro V2
Olight Warrior X4
Fenix TK20R UE or V2

There are others, but most of those ive tested 9ver at 1Lumen.

Hmm, sounds like there might also be an infestation of bedbugs, fleas, cockaroaches, and other creepy-crawlies. I’d buy a few packages of bugbombs and just launch 2-3 into each room.

Can’t be too careful…

What is the best tactical flashlight in a consumers eye.

Is this a John Wick type question?

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