What is the dumbest way you've ever killed a bug ??

I admittedly fried many large creepy crawlers with high oujtput 405m and 445nm hand helds.
The 405nm works in seconds and will place a perfect hole or incision.

For the last few weeks, I caught all the bugs and fed them to my favorite spider..

Me and a friend used to use the trusty rolled up newspaper on anything bug like, the twist was, we would then carry out a crime scene report, with masking tape measurements of splatter, post it note with time of death, cause of death, probable weapon. We would then photograph and text the results.

It amused us, but his mum was less impressed to come back off holiday and find we’d left her a house full of “crime scenes”……

The best way to kill an insect is to have a couple of creepy twins pull the wings of a dragonfly off, and then feed the helpless dragonfly to some ants. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a high-quality YouTube video to demonstrate what I'm talking about. Those that have played Code Veronica might be in the know. Both of y'all.


I was on booked car test drive looking to upgrade my car and a wasp flew in the car while we were driveing.The salesman sat beside me reached in the glovebox to find something to swat it.Before he could i swiped at it with my left hand to try and steer it out his window.I missed and whacked him PLUMB ON THE NOSE.
Blood everywher we returned to the dealership.I got some realy sideways looks as we exited the car,salesmans white shirt and face splattered with claret.


Some 30yrs ago my mate was invited to dinner at his Girlfreinds home for the first time[Joan,god rest her sole, she was a stunner and a great pal of mine].Joan parents wher big Bibble Bashers,Billy Graham followers.Quite starchy and religious,but nice folks all the same.The father had the Budgie flying around the dineing room and they couldnt catch it as they sat down for Sunday Dinner on a very cold November afternoon.Logfire roaring,the smell of roast beef,everyone dressed in ther Sunday best.
My mate Lee sat with his back to the warm cosey fire,a tight spot to sit,but he wasnt a big fella.Midway through eating the Budgie decides to fly from the window ledge, at Lee, about Knee hight.Not one to miss the chance to make a good impression he thinks,Here i go,ile grab this and impress the Mother who was fretting about the bird .He swings himself round, legs from under the table first and


True story that


fixed the link. Pics no workie from mobile.

Maybe we should all think first before we SLATT the nastyZzzz

On Hols in Turkey[many yrs ago] sat at the shaded bar drinking a cold one[like ya do].Wearing only my Union Jack shorts and flip flops,all 19stones of fit as a butchers dog British Beef.I screamed like a girl as a fkn huge cockroach ran between my legs and under the bar stool[didnt spill owt though].Without hesitation i sent it to cockroach Heaven with my size 12[47usa]flip flop.
A small,mustache wearing waiter screamed at me and came running like a banshe streight in my face.Arms waving and speaking three times faster than i can listen,realy asking for a bunch of fives[smack on the nose]he was so agressive.
After a good few minutes.The guy behind the bar butts in the waiters rant and explained.
Our religion beleive that we can return after death as anything.He thinks that was his BROTHER perhaps.

Another true story


lol Don, great storys. :D

My grandmother[nicest woman ive ever met] once said to me[big grin on her face] while showing me how to plant potatoes[40yrs ago]

Isnt it a good job ther not the size of Dogs.While i cringed,shit scared of a harmless house spider.

Alittle food for thought


Yeh,great moments in time,Priceless and all true,ya couldnt make it up if ya tried.If it makes people laugh,Jobs A Goodn.


500mW 405nm for > 3m.

But for < 3m, high powered 445nm hands down.

BTW, you gotta try this cheapie. It hangs around in the same ballpark as my 100mW 532 with beam expander @ 0.3mRad. This one should be less than 0.2mRad.

lumen power forums? :party:

As a guideline, I don't go out of my way to kill. Two memorable ones stick out though:

1.) While at the range sighting in a new .22LR rifle, a fly landed on the target. Since he was crawling around, I unintentionally hit him so perfectly dead center that I was rewarded with a nice little ring of spatter around the hole. (25yrs ago - Still have the target to this day).

2.) Earlier this summer while driving home from work there was a mosquito in the car. After trying unsuccessfully to get him out the window he landed dead center of the windshield. I hit him (and windshield) flat palmed, and was rewarded with not only a dead bug, but a completely webbed windshield! Didn't even think i hit him that hard. Expensive mosquito kill, that one...

That's disturbing, yet highly fascinating at the same time! (Now, where did I store my vacuum chamber...)

This is how Not to kill a mosquito in your car!

A friend of mine had a mosquito in his car, trying to kill the little bugger, he thought he was going to kill it in 1 blow.

The little bugger landed on the windshield, my friend hit the bastar# as hard and fast as possible…
with the result: a dead mosquito and a cracked windshield.

Years ago , I purchased one of these .

It is by far the most effective and fun way to dispatch bugs .

The Flyshooter .

For wasp nest, spray adhesive gets them all. Mist the spray in the air near the flying ones and they just fall out of the air wings glued.

Death by Dyson.

You should see how fast those suckers spin in the vortex chamber.

Growing up we had a large screened in porch. The flies took every opportunity to enter when the door was left open. Not really dumb, but immensely fun, my favorite way to kill them off was with my Crossman pump air rifle. Put a couple pumps into it (sans ammo), point it an less than an inch from the fly (for some reason they never flew from the barrel until you touched them) and pull the trigger. The blast would vaporize them right through the screening before they even realized they were dead. Now you see it, now you don't.