What is the largest diameter AA/14500 button among current batteries?

I’m currently playing with AA battery carriers. Button/nipple size has become relevant for a design I’m playing with.

I’m interested in all relevant batteries, so all chemistries of rechargeable and primary which are AA/14500 size.

Mine all seem to be no larger than 5.4mm


Efest imr14500 V2 is 6.12mm.

14mm - I had some flat top 14500s that I pulled from a camcorder pack.

:stuck_out_tongue: true, but I don’t think that counts.

Thanks guys!

Rufusbduck, I’m glad I asked - good info.

@CyrusAM - Where’s that middle finger smiley when you need it? :wink: I am purposefully ignoring flat top cells. As far as I know nobody is really using flat-top AA’s for any current flashlight builds. Once upon a time flat-top high drain NiCd AA cells were a good idea for incan Maglite builds. AFAIK that ship sailed when Eneloops showed up.