what is this dark spot on the led?

It’s not often that flashlights have so low settings that it’s actually possible to see the led in action. This one can go very low, actually lower than specified, and looking inside Ive noticed this dark feature in the right-under led about halfway the left topside. So what is this dark spot I’m looking at? Anything I’d be worried about? It’s not visible when the led is turned off.

Looks like something not right, a layer not making full contact with another, the question is: as it is it does not affect output much, but will it get worse?

I had a XHP 35 HI do that exact thing in a single led light. I could see it on high with a welding shield. It never changed better or worse, but the lumens were never good. The light was later upgraded.

Well, I could live with that, this led doesn’t seem any less bright than the others, well maybe it is but not so much that it’s visible with the bare eye and the light itself is plenty bright anyway so if it stays stable as it is now I would be happy.

It looks like a speck of phosphor got knocked off during assembly.

great photo btw (I added the arrow)

I dont think it will change, and I dont think it matters.

Removed phosfor would result in seeing the blue pump led light through.

Good Eyes there Jon—great catch.

Turn it full brightness and focus it on a white wall through an aspheric lens so you can see the projection of the led on the wall.

But there’s a dome over the phosphor.

The plot thickens lol
My guess is a thunderfly trapped between the dome and the phosphor :stuck_out_tongue: