I ordered D4V2 Copper from Hank with Nichia 219C 4000k - he doesn’t list them on the site anymore, but said he still got some so he can do it for me.
Now the light is arrived and the beam tint & colour doesn’t look anything alike 219C 4000k.
To me, the colour & tint look much alike SST-20 5000k I had on my MF01mini - too bad I don’t own it anymore so can’t compare directly but I spent quite some time with it and that cold-ish white with green tint felt intimately familiar. On the other hand, looking at the emitters themselves, they do not really look like sst-20, aren’t they??? (at least judging by the pics of the latter, since, again I don’t own any sst-20 lights anymore).
While I’m sorting this out with Hank directly, I’d like your opinion as well please - what kind of emitters are installed in my new D4v2 Copper?
In one of your photos you can clearly see that it’s 219c. On the internet you can find pictures of both emitters - 219c and sst20.
Perhaps he installed the 219c 5000k by mistake that were once available.
My original D4 was purchased with 5000K 219C and they were the only emitter green enough that I could not stand them that I’ve yet owned. I own 5000K LH351D and 4000K Sst20 (both known for green) and nothing is as bad as those 219Cs were.
My D4v2 Nichia 219C (supposedly they are 219C 5000k 83CRI) also has similar "green-ness".
In the following video, the right side is a D4v2 with Nichia 219C 5000k 83CRI (it's on steady brightness level - ie. brightness not changed throughout the entire video).
The left side is an older batch Astrolux S41S with Nichia 219B (not sure what color temperature, but supposedly 5000k) --
I'm cycling the brightness levels on the S41S (quad Nichia 219B) while the right side stays at a constant brightness level.
I think it can be noticed that the right side shows a bit of 'greenish' hue compared to the Nichia 219B on its left..
Hank updated that he’s going to send me new unit with the correct colour temp. I’ll keep you posted with new pics once it arrives.
Thanks again for your help!