A6 that went to almost 15$ …or 18$ with a q30 samsung … that was pretty crazy cheap
Ut01 for 10$
nichia tool for 9$ …add a 10440 and see if you can blow the driver
When you select the option for the 18350 tube, you’re just paying for an extra tube. Regardless of what options you pick the D4 ALWAYS comes with an 18650 tube.
Just realized that my favorite pocket rocket (not by today standards, but still get scorchy hot after a few minutes) is my heavily modded CNQG Brass Beauty 18650 :
Stock brass pill, copper spacer, Noctigon triple board, Nichia 219C 2700K 90CRI and filed down Carclo 10507.
The driver is Convoy 8*7135 with Biscotti.
I made a pocket clip with piano wire (such a PITA to do) and repalced the stock switch with a fat black square switch from Simon store.
I’m in love with the warm tint of those Nichias :heart_eyes:
hmmm… ordering the D4 in XPL HI… I really want the blue but it will take 2-4 weeks to get here… And MTE is located in US which would be MUCH quicker but out of stock with blue 18350 tube. I could order the light first and get the short tube later but I have to pay shipping twice lol.
Maybe Matte Green would also look nice in person too?
Yep, my favorite pocket thrower. (once foybezelled)
I usually take a BLF A6 or a Convoy S2+, and a Jaxman E2L (floody) does walking duty;
but my favorite carrier is an old Ultrafire C303 with an XML-2 on a Noctigon.
I had an S-Mini on my keyring until I tried a Nitecore TIP. It’s lighter, and makes a better gift.
I have the D4 XPL HI 1A and the Nichia 90cri D4 and i can tell you that the Hi version is way better.
Its got way more throw , no funky pink red tint, does not step down as fast, great white tint [no blue] and its default temperature reading is correct with the ambient temp [ 2 x samples] unlike the nichia which is already 13 degrees c hotter before you even turn it on.
I reckon after owning the Hi you will be slightly disappointed with the nichia,s performance and ability to hold even a 1000 lumens for a meaningful time.
But in saying all that they are great lights especially the hi which i prefer over the zebra sc600 mk111.
Also the sony Vtc 6 is a great cell for these lights. JMO.
Glad I made my first decision correctly! The MAX lumen output is probably only there for me to show off to friends. I say normal usage with 600~1200 lumens is more than enough for my normal use. And I have the big boys (MT03, MF01, Q8) when I really need to lit up something
I have Sony VTC6, 30Q for pure out put with decent capacity and Sanyo 3500 mAh(10A) for max battery run time. And have LG HG2 coming my way from CN.
Now… I got myself some good Sony vtc5(max output), vtc6 (for run time) and aspire 18350 (for small tube) batteries, I think this is it for flashlight ordering…. till I see something cool again lol!
Gotta disagree on that one. A whitetail deer has a top speed of about 35mph and can only maintain that for a short period. A Doberman tops out at close to the same speed and is built for endurance. I’ve watched mine close in fast on deer on my property before calling him off.
Where can we buy a XPL-HI grey D4? MTN is sold out, and Intl Outdoor does not list grey.
Worst option - I just get a D4vn (which isn’t a bad thing!)
Try with Neal (Neals Deals on M4DM4X thread or through e-mail)! I received my Emisar D4 (XPG2 S4 3D) from him today! Everything ok,took 18 days to arrive :+1:
I was looking at “On the Road M3” This is not exactly a pocket rocket but for the size and price (roughly $20?) that puts out 900 lumens. I kinda want to get one of those too lol.