What lights do you normally recommend?

No, inside a cave there is definitely such a thing as too many lumens. It’s an enclosed space

I’ve been in caves that gulped light and spit back black holes.

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It can depend on the cave, all I’ve seen have been light vacuums though… and almost all disused mines have filth (dust and diesel fumes) on the walls, that just absorbs light.

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Is there a lot of dust in mines? I guess there must be right. All the caves I’ve been in have been wet. Walls are all wet and shiny. Still tho. Mathematically. it’s a limited space, a limit must exist.

Depends on the rock and if you have been stirring it up (by walking or taking samples). I’ve been in some mines where the lack of movement inside them and a slight air current made for some impressively clear air, but if someone starts drilling, you’re going to be seeing the beam of your headlamp quite well.

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Sound like a mining guy?

Can corroborate, active mines can be gross if there’s a bunch of stuff going on.

Worked as a mine geo for a while, doing UG mapping (often while the jumbo was drilling or the mining guys where charging the holes!)

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Carlsbad Caverns has some immense spaces, light beam can just terminate, illuminating nothing.

Got 8 more X6 hosts today, so I should have hosts to play with as I get new emitters. Already have a few plans including a Quad Osram W2. Parts are on the way for that.

I built an X6 this morning with a 16 core SFH55. Figured it might set a new precedent in my X6 series and indeed it does! Two, as a matter of fact! Brightest single emitter AND most current draw.

With a fresh charge on an 25S 18650 , it makes a start lumens value of 7820 lumens at 31.3Amps. Get’s hot in seconds! Lol

I swear, one of these days, you’re actually going to put lightning in a bottle.

When I do, my good friend, it will be YOUR UI controlling it!

2 Thanks

Man the HS20 does not disappoint. Can’t believe I slept on this for so long. How is this thing is so much brighter than any other headlamp sofirn/wurkoss make?? It doesn’t make sense.

Not just the sft40 either, altho the sft40 is great, you have a little lightsaber on your head, but the flood channel too. It feels like double or triple what the same lh351d on the HD20 puts out. And that’s a 21700. And it’s not even completely green either. I don’t understand where this thing is finding the amps. And why it’s not melting

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I know the appearance of the HS20 is odd, but in application it’s my favorite.

The optic over the LH351D works very well. I have used this emitter quite a bit and really like it, especially as a headlamp or general purpose EDC.

Difficult to properly measure the output on this kind of light, I’ll try later this morning and see if I can figure out what it’s actually making on each emitter and combined.

Maglite mini :rofl:

More seriously, I would just go with a Convoy T2.

If money is not a problem, then a Zebralight SC53c N reprogrammed for muggles so they can only access to one level. If they become “wild”, additionnal modes could be added.

It’s definitely the most practical, and I think most of the right angle headlamps are way weirder in appearance.

That optic is really nice. So much flood. I got a real green lh351d on mine though. Just awful. I want to swap it with a 519a. I’ve looked at the board and I think I’d do it with either a butane pen torch at the back or by touching the iron to the back, right behind the emitter. Maybe tape out the little section with kapton and then insulating fiberglass wiring harness tape over the kapton if I go the cigar lighter route. I guess. Unless there’s a way people do this

Hey Jeff, sorry I didn’t get those measurements, lost this page somehow. Be awhile now before I can do anything, got my right hip replaced yesterday morning. Excited about it but pretty dang sore!

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Did you go with the method you mentioned earlier? Please keep me updated on your experience. Any things to watch for. Good luck with rehab.

They had me walking with a walker still groggy from anesthesia. Little less than two hours for the procedure, was home by 4:30. Not a lot of pain, sore more than anything. Cutting back on the meds, don’t like how they mess with me.

I’d anodize it purple if I could get at it! Lol

1 Thank

So glad to hear that!

Continued best wishes for a pain free, full recovery.

Anodising costs extra… :wink:

Yeah… but only $12K more… what the heck… :smiling_imp:

Polishing and tritium inserts could have been an option, must have already been under…