Managed to grab a look at the Maglite ML100 at the weekend. And I know it’s under lumened, but I really liked the size and form factor.
Only thing is, it’s C cell. What options are there for a rechargeable setup?
Probably looking at the 2C one and the ML125 is just a tad too pricey. Is an AA -> C adapter the only real way of achieving this? Such a shame as it then makes it physically large for what is essentially a 2AA Mini Mag.
I think I'd just fork out the $$ for a couple of Tenergy Centura LSD batts for it. Especially if I already had a charger that fit them. But I dont know if you do??
Really realle long battery life and LSD to boot. Charge it up and leave it for 3 years. Come back and use it some and then recharge again..
Depending on how you plan to use the light, go Tenergy Premium or Centura. These are GREAT batteries. They last a long time. And they are capable of high current. The best part is that they only cost about $7 a pair ($6.99 for a pair of Centuras at Fry’s). And they will last at least double what your typical AA Eneloop will last. As far as a charger, you can’t beat the Maha 808. But it IS fairly expensive. You might be able to get away with using magnets and alligator clips with a AA/AAA charger if you don’t want to buy another charger just yet.