But NOT a twisty. I need a tail switch. Another thing that is a must is some VERY rough sticky knurl. I dont want a smooth body like TR801. In a perfect world no flats would be great.
The emitter, driver, modes etc dont matter because I’ll just change em anyway.
Thanks in advance for the input…
EDIT: This light is also close but the “knurling” is still just lines cut into the body. I want knurl that feels sticky almost like a spider web or something. http://www.cnqualitygoods.com/goods.php?id=1757
I would recommend the S2 as well. It looks like a perfect EDC light.
Ugh the TR-801 is one worthless light, I had two of them once. They are still my worst flashlight purchases ever. Almost any other light is better than a TR-801.
I like the no flats, and the double O ring is cool too.
The thing I seem to be having trouble with still is the knurling on these though. Knurling is done by pressing a set of spiral teeth hard against the surface of the body. There is really no "cutting" involved. This process actually causes a slight raise in the surface, giving a sticky feel to it. All of the lights I have seen so far appear to have more of just a set of lines cut down into the body in an X shape. To me these all still feel kind of slippery.
The only light I can think of off the top of my head that has this is my Quark AA2X. And even it only has that rough sticky knurl on the body. What is on the head is different.
I dont know how well you can tell what I'm talking about from this picture but here is an example.
Either something like this standard rough knurl, or a true diamond knurl would be awesome too.
Too many to list but here are a few:
-Terrible finish (Color and paint used)
-Not bright
-Literally like 2 tailcap threads
-The worst triangle cut threads I've ever seen
-Nasty brass ring from the pill showing (I think it was the pill, can't remember)
There are plenty more I could list if I had the light still and could confirm some other things I'm thinking. The UF-2100 and HD2011 are a million miles ahead of it and the Convoy S2 appears to be much better than those two lights. I think the S2 is a winner.
The only issue i have with this light is it will not accept high capacity protected batteries. It is too short. Anything over 67mm is pushing it. Also, you may have problems with the knurling. It is pretty light on the knurling and a bit slippery.
BTW, it is the same light as the XIAOZHI. Great light, but the battery issue made me sell it. I like my S2 much more.
That XIAOZHI is definitely in the lead now. Its ten bucks cheaper than the LXP.
The finish on it seems to be a bit less shiny ( which I prefer. I dont know if this is me seeing what I want to see or if its real, but in the close up it looks like the knurl on it is slightly pitted which could be a little more sticky.
Wow. There are SOOOO many choices of straight barrel 18650 lights! These are great helmet lights for night riding since they have low weight and good light output. Must…. resist…… temptation….
Uhgg. I tried to let it go but couldn’t. I guess I got the good TR-801.
Mine has excellent build quality. Great fit and finish and perfect threads. When I bought it the Q5 driven at a full amp was the hot emitter and not dim by any standards. The UF-2100 I have has nothing on my TR-801 except newer emitter and driver. Would I buy one now? No. But I wouldn’t buy any Q5 now. Better emitters have come out in the last few years. And I thought the exposed bronze ring from the pill was cool!