What throwers are out there, smaller than the GT, bigger than a D01

I’m kind of out of the loop with what’s currently available.

A friend is after a new thrower - He has a Courui D01, fully modded by me with a XPL HI, DD driver etc., putting out around 340Kcd.

He’s after something with noticeably more throw, but doesn’t like the size of the GT.

What’s out there? Modding is fine, as whatever he gets will be pulled apart & inspected before delivery.

MF02 looks like a candidate, what else is out there?

Cheers :beer:

Convoy L2 ?

Olight M3XS with a Black Flat.
540kCd in mine, yet it’s smaller than a D01

EDIT : you could try an Amutorch JM70, the stock driver is crap but it has a nice big reflector, a side-switch and is fed by a single 26650.
Mine rocks a TA FET driver and a 2mm² White Flat and does about 470kCd.
I bet it would break the 600kCd barrier with a 1mm²

Thanks for the suggestions so far.

The L2 comes up short against the D01, plus I should have added that he would prefer to stay with 18650 cells, though it can be used with sleeves.

The Olight M3XS looks interesting, but he’d probably notice the drop in lumens switching to the Black Flat.

I’m leaning towards the large reflector/XHP 35 HI combo.

The light will be to replace his existing D01, so he’s after a noticable bump in performance.

@FmC, for a boost in throw without buying a new light, have you thought about putting in an SST-20 5000k?

You’ll be getting about 30% more CD/lm, so you will be getting a nice boost in throw.

Wowtac A4

There are a couple 4x18650 and ~85mm head lights like astrolux MF02 and imalent RT35. These XHP35 HI lights do around 400-500 kcd I think. These would be a bit of a bump in throw and lumens but not a big bump compared to the D01/XPL HI combo.

A proper performance bump would be the BLF GT70 or equivalent with sliced XHP70.2.

There’s also the TN42 with 100mm head.

I did consider an LED replacement, wasn’t aware the SST20 was putting out that kind of performance.

He’s seen the GT, & it’s too big & heavy to carry through the bush, whilst toting a rifle & other kit.

So far, the MF02 & TN42 seem to fit the bill, with the MF02 being considerably less expensive.

I sincerely recommend TN42. Very good stability and quality of workmanship.
My measurements:

Maybe the Jaxman X1s, looks like a nice host


The X1s has a smaller reflector than the D01, plus the single cell limits any extended useage.

I assumed the D01 from Emisar, but indeed the couriou is quite large already
Wit those requirements the Astrolux MF02 might be a good option then, otherwise the TN42 will not disappoint, it used to be king of throwers until the GT arrived and Astrolux did the typical copycat thing…

The SST20 might have a bit higher cd/lumens (in a given light), but overall it would have less output and similar throw when compared to the XPL HI, which doesn’t seem like much of a performance boost.

Maxtoch L2K

Wow - completely missed that one. Interesting times ahead no doubt.

Thanks for the input & recommendations.

I’ve given him a short-list with the MF02 & TN42.

He also has a Maxtoch M24S on his rifle, & has been happy with it, so was intrigued with the L2K as a rifle upgrade… :slight_smile:

The Maxtoch Xsword (L2K) has a very tight beam so he may or may not like that one , depending if he wants a broader coverage area more like the M24 has. It does have a heck of a throw on it though.
My full review of that light HERE .

The Maxtoch 2X has a 69mm Head compared to the M24 or M24S 63mm head and both have been upgraded with a higher current driver and factory dedomed emitter since the M24S came out , so both of the newer ones have a better throw than the older models. I reviewed both of those but the video footage was not the best as it was with my old video camera.
The 2X video review HERE .

Also Maxtoch has the new Xpro they will be releasing very soon , that I understand outperforms both the M24 and the 2X as it has an even bigger head (78mm I think) and reflector and it reaches 1400 plus meters and runs on 2 x 21700 cells for extended run time. https://maxtoch.com/maxtoch-x-pro-p0025.html

I have 11 Maxtoch lights now and they all are very good quality and some of my favorites.
EDIT: The particular 2X I did the review on was making 361kcd right out of the box FWIW.
I think the new Xpro will be in the 410 to 420kcd range.

One option would be to put hard-driven 2mm^2 white flats in the TN40 big quad light. Not cheap and maybe not very easy mod. But it would be very effective I think. Prob 4500 to 5000 lumens OTF and 600-700kcd. And it’s more compact than the TN42.

Edit: also look at the imalent RT35. Has similar specs and price as MF02, but is shorter/more compact.

If he wants something compact… Acebeam T27 is kinda the do it all thrower, 2,500lm, 300kcd+, 21700, Usb-C and very compact. Great thermals too, stays at over 1,000lm after step down.

I second the tn40s. Sky Lumen spec 3 is $350 and does 9000 Lumens and 520kcd.
If I can only keep one light from my collection, it would be this one.
Or you can mod it for him. Throw in a fet driver and spring bypasses.

Tn42 would be second choice