what torch is this?

What flashlight is this? It looks like a trustfire sst-50 or x9 but not sure
It is from Dr. Who season 4 episode 9

why not share a picture?

There is a GIF of the doctor flipping the torch.

Extracted the frames where you can see the light body, the quality is as good as you can get from a 500kb animated gif, but it’s better than watching the gif over and over :wink:

It just might be enough for someone to recognize it :quest:

Cheers David

Thanks pommie

Sonic screwdriver?

Here's the HTML5 version of that gif. You can slow it down and reverse it, but you'll have to click on it to access the controls.


Nothing I have ever seen, the reflector is really wide and shallow.

just call it Dr. Who light for now until it revealed?

Wow some real investigative work in here.

Could be one of those 200 LED Showerheads…. :quest:

Welcome to the stupidity Gothmog.

Was OL ever involved in the film industry?

Probably a custom made job as they always do in showbiz.

Looks like a cheapo from Asda, but I suspect it isn’t. :wink:

Could it be this?

Sorry,I didn’t see it just now,I don’t know what light is it.

Looks like a modified Maglite.

Nice find!

Here's the obligatory close-up:

Maybe it’s an OL made light :bigsmile:

awesome find calvin, not to figure out the head, hehe.