What TV shows are you watching lately ?

A new one that just came out on STARZ is “Counterpart”

We started watching it for no other reason than the guy in the Farmers Insurance commercials is the lead character!
Believe it or not, he plays a tough guy (and also a not so tough guy) :wink:
Great story and show.

SBS on demand is awesome for this. Do you have a smart TV? Get the app they play movies like infernal affairs.

If you can find it watch young and dangerous awesome movies. Based around a group of Hong Kong triads.

I found one on YouTube i think there is 8 movies. Not sure what number this is.

Ethan Suplee and Gretchen Mol are complex , tormented and fascinating characters in this series .
Try it .

Black Mirror is also a favorite .

Set in the ” near future ” , it examines the effect of technology on the lives and interactions of people .

Really clever stories , each a standalone .
A modern ’ Twilight Zone ’ of sorts .

P.S. Do NOT judge the series on S1E1 .

That episode was hard to watch and designed to get people talking .
It worked .

Two series from Netflix that we really like is Dark and Orphan Black. Dark is a German series, one season so far. They really succeeded with the atmosphere with this series, highly recommended. Orphan Black is a more “normal” series, just finished season 1. The lead role actress is amazing.

Mini series Godless has been mentioned. Really good. Other series my and the gf watch for mindless entertainment are Walking Dead and Fear The Walking Dead.

And a few “reality” documentary shows I like are: Banged up abroad, Air Crash Investigation, Moonshiners, Gold Rush and Gold Divers.

Two more shows I really like:

Homicide Hunter - Re-creations of actual solved homicide cases in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Nightwatch - Real footage of police, EMT, and firefighters in New Orleans and Tampa. Produced by Dick Wolf, producer of Law & Order.

I've seen every episode of each. Great if you like real reality shows.

I’ve binged on Altered Carbon, I loved the cyberpunk dystopian atmosphere, along with augmented humans
Stranger Things really pleased me (I’ve watched both seasons in a week…), it takes place in the 80’s which allow it to be somewhat credible while being deliciously nostalgic
My wife enjoys This Is Us recently, and I kind of follow it too

I’m waiting for the next seasons of :
Game Of Thrones
The Walking Dead (even if it’s way too long, they should have stopped at least 2 seasons before IMHO)
Stranger Things

Favorites were :
Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad was and still is the BEST TV series I have ever seen, cannot recommend enough.

Altered Carbon

The Punisher is a good series, although there is only 1 season.

Westworld season 1 was excellent, season 2 should be released soon I think.

True Detective :+1:

Game of Thrones (of course)

The grand tour - Jeremy Clarkson’s new show after leaving the BBC

Silicon Valley


I’ve been watching Better call Saul but can’t say its good yet, it has been very slow so far. i will continue watching though as it is by the same people that made Breaking Bad so has some promise.

Breaking Bad is much deeper than it appears when watching it for the first time. There are many nuances and details that come out when you watch it again. I think I have enjoyed the show 4 times over by now and I still see little details come out.
Better Call Saul builds on this complex web of hidden ideas, stories and details while highlighting the supporting actors of Breaking Bad.

Luckily, I had the opportunity to travel to Albuquerque twice already and, after having gone through both shows several times, it all makes even more sense now.

One more we enjoyed:

Requiem is a horror crime drama set in rural Wales. Well done.

Some of the locations are not to far from where we live.

Hinterland is also worth a mention. Dark crime drama set in West Wales. Hinterland is a bilingual production. Nearly every scene is shot in both Welsh and English. The English version keeps a few Welsh language scenes.

I think the English version is on Netflix.

…and I forgot to add my all time favourite series :

Altered Carbon on Netflix

I finished up Dexter.

It was really good, except for the series finale.


The next time I watch TV with a plot, it'll be Twin Peaks Season 1!

Looking forward to Westworld S2 tomorrow.
Just finished Lost In Space was pretty good.
Trying to slog through S2 of Jessica Jones, but the writing/acting is pretty attrocious
Really like The Americans and The Tick on Amazon Prime
Some BBC good shows: Sherlock, Luther, Planet Earth 2
Some comedies: The weekly Joel Mchale show on netflix very funny, Marc Maron’s show, he’s also in GLOW which was suprisingly funny, The Good Place

QUEST - IRT Deadliest Roads because it’s insane those roads in the mountains they drive and the dangers involved plus you get a close up of the culture of India and many SA Countries. Not to mention reality vs fiction.

QUEST - DogFights Because it’s fascinating to see how aerial combat played out in various times in history with a wide array of technology. Not to mention reality vs fiction.

QUEST - Modern Marvels Because it’s fascinating to see how technology developed in various times in history and how it affected mankind. Not to mention reality vs fiction.

For those that either speak Spanish or can watch TV series in foreign languages (with subtitles) then I highly recommend La Case de Papel. I just watched a few episodes to waste some time and I was hooked. Great script and acting. Apparently there is an English dubbed version but I can’t stand dubbing.

The Walking Dead
Fear The Walking Dead
Z Nation
Better Call Saul
Stranger Things
Stargate SG1
Stargate Atlantis
Babylon 5
Leave It To Beaver
The Munsters

Fans of the Stargate franchise should check out Travelers, created by the co-creator of Stargate SG1 Brad Wright. It has some of the same actors (Amanda Tapping, Teryl Rothery) and directors (Andy Mikita, William Waring, Martin Wood) from SG1 and quite a few from Stargate Universe.

If you haven’t seen Stargate Origins It’s worth a watch. It came out February on stargatecommand.co as a prequel web series. They’re supposed to edit it together as a movie in the next few weeks.

The Americans
The Walking Dead