Fireflies ROT66 (SST20 4000k 95 cri w/ Lee 804 filter; 219B SW45K R9080)
Thrunite Catapult V6 NW
my best flashlight doesn’t change much over the years… it’s always…
- SureFire 6P/C2 with Malkoff Drop-in
- Fenix TK20
- Fenix E10
But this year I’m pleasantly surprised by the new Solarforce L2M + LC-Y drop-in.
Tho I do have a new worst flashlight this year… Fenix LD02 v2, this light should never have left the drawing board…
Best light I bought in 2018 was the older ZL SC62w. Was lucky to find one NIB
Thank you guys for all your replies and reviews. What a time to be alive?! Can you imagine hiding under a rock for 5 years and coming out to see how torches have progressed? I came back to BLF after a long break in the hobby to check Cyber Monday deals. I was still fond of my UF-980L.
Just got my Thrunite TC15 and TC20 In. V6 on the way. I’m speechless. Ordered another one of each for gifts. Dn70 and a few lumintops on the slow boat from China as well. Thanks again!!
Rub it in TK, rub it in haha.
Mine is definitely the D4S XP-L HI, with the PFlexPro S2+ triple in second.
Totally agree. I was original member #123 over on CPF when it first started and what you can get now for $20-$50 was $200-$300+ from a custom modder just several years ago and they’re even brighter and more efficient now. We’re living in flashlight heaven!
I have so many favorites from this year but I’ll have to say, D1, Nitecore Tini, RovyVon Aurora A5 and as of yesterday, Wuben EO5. Can you tell I like small lights?
I really really like my Convoy L2 in natural machine finish. It is beautiful and with the MTNElectronics boost driver powering an XHP-35 it’s a pretty epic light in it’s own right.
Then again, when it comes to epic the MaxToch XSword with it’s laser emitter and extreme long throw is right up there at the top.
Since the L2 came to me in host form it may not count, but the MaxToch XSword is a light even I won’t mod, so it must be the best light I got all year. Thanks to robo819 and Mudgripz, and especially Amanda at MaxToch, I have a unique light that is outstanding in performance!
About the same size as the MaxToch Shooter 2X or Sniper M24…
Here seen lending some lumens to the full moon…
I would have to say my best light of 2018 is my Emisar D4. It became my EDC. After reading through this thread I may have to purchase a D4S now.
For edc,Emisar D4S XP-L HI 3A
For walking the dog, BLF Q8
C8F, MH20/MH20GT, SP32Av2, Cometa (don’t laff).
That says a lot.
It sounds like the XSword has the throw of a BLF GT, but it’s a fraction of the size and uses an aspheric optic instead of a reflector.
I don’t plan to mod my BLF GT, unless I count firmware updates. Its ridiculous nature in stock form is what makes it fun. The XSword sounds like it’s a more practical item in that category though.
there has to be categories, one size don’t fit all
the D4S is closest to my doall, iffn I have pocket to carry it
my Rofis MR70 is my car/truck glove-pocket carry as it is multipurpose light/power-bank/rechargeable
and with no good reason…I love the S43S with skins from the S42S, just seems brute force refined!
Acebeam x80gt
I only got a few lights this year, (stepped away from flashlights and the forums for a while) but I’m really digging my catapult v6. It’s more useful than I thought it would be for a very portable/jacket pocketable thrower. I might not even mod it.
I have been wanting to try a few emisars, and mod them with the new “white flat” emitters, and maybe one of the new a super throwers with over 1 mil CD. Mu current longest thrower is ‘only’ 550kCD.
D4S Nichia 219C & Cree XP-L HI
The D4S is a pretty slick trick in a more useful everyday sort of light, really like what Hank has pulled off!
Still absolutely love the Eagle Eye X6, pocketable with a clip, powerful, well made, and yes I did get some this year, the last 2 came in about a week before Eagle Eye disappeared from Aliexpress. ):
I think any of the Zebralights I’ve bought this year are my favourite. SC600w MkIV HI, SC600w MkIV Plus, and SC64w HI.
All great for different purposes, though they do overlap in purpose.
Astrolux S43 is also a nice light, though its heat output and aggressive thermal controls makes is less useful than Zebralights (which have excellent thermal control).
So S43 and S42 bodys are interchangable?
My vote is for “Fireflies ROT66”.
yes, butt be aware that the S42 tail spring is inferior to the S43 model, at least in the S43S model I have.