This is a Ryan HD2010 copper pill with a Nanjg at 4.9A (+6 chips), de-domed XP-G2 R5 1A on a Noctigon reflowed onto the copper pill. With this setup, even a Powerizer cell can deliver only 4.67A, and not the 4.95A I tested on a XML.
With a little focusing, I tested this setup with the DX aspheric lens and VOB's adapter ring featured here:, and am getting 264 kcd, without a lot of fussing to focus.
Now I'm adding to the mix with this:
Waiting for the fujik epoxy to dry. I'm not concerned about a permanent mount setup at this point, we just want to see what it can do in this type if setup. I'm hoping it's somewhat centered and level - strictly eye balling it.
Wasn’t the MiniMag Incan reflector a dome? Sure wouldn’t have been a parabolic curve. Very interesting work. Anything that finds how to focus the MT-G2 and I’m all ears…
Ok - results! I believe I got the focus as good as it was. It seems somewat harder to focus now because the beam pattern looks so different, but the center is still the emitter shaped hot spot. The best I could get it at with a fresh Powerizer again, was 240 kcd, so a drop of 24 kcd from the 264 kcd measured without the focus ring.
With the focus ring, really weird - you can see the star exactly as it is in the beam, including reading the "Noctigon" ("nogitcoN") lettering pretty clearly.
I was thinking of reversing the focus ring - small end at the emitter, bigger opening pointing out - kind of like adding a reflector boost to the aspheric effect. Whay do you think? Think that defeats the purpose though...
The problems with this aspheric lens setup is you put tape inside the head to adjust focus, but, it really depends on how far you tighten the bezel. So I'm thinking I got it focused the same, but it's a big guess. Wish I had something more predictable to test it in. Ultimately the light meters don't lie, but your ability to keep all the other variables the same can be difficult. You need identically charged batteries that are at the same point in their life cycle for one thing, then temperature has to be reproduced consistently - maybe a freeze spray would help, dunno, or wait an hour or two between trials.
I hate to discount this focus ring piece on this one test. Also, it's difficult for me to play with mounting distances - basically I have it sitting on the wire connections protected by kapton tape, then the fujik epoxy simply holds it in place.
Could you use shims, like a plastic wedge? Cut to size and repeatable for the ashperic spacing as well as the focus ring. I have these plastic shims that have steps, they’re about an inch wide and 1 1/2” long, could be shaved down to fit the light and used as a more direct guide perhaps? At any rate, something along those guidelines to make the project repeatable and progressively adjustable.
Justin, I really like how you raised the MTG2 on the star, nice work with that. (uh, was that another project? oops!)
Why file down the outside of the rod? Use a 20mm rod, leave the outside cylindrical. Drill 2 holes and you can use screws to attach it and it will hold down the star as well. (Does Ryan's pill have threaded holes for that? I forget, if not add them.) You can use a Dremel to relieve space for the leads.
Make it slightly long and you can file the bottom to set lower and file the top to adjust the beam opening to the exact size of the lens.
God, that sounds like a lot of work. Anyone want to switch to philately?
Tom E, it seems that the focus is critical when using these collars. You were seeing the image of the noctigon projected because of the bad focus, probably the collar height was off and the recycled light was reflected on the noctigon star instead of the phosphor surface.
Old-Lumens, I am also searching for a cheaper alternative to the wavien collars, I found online these aluminium molds link
I was also thinking about to take apart a old car steering lower ball joint, to see if the interior hemisphere can be used.
So play with it and try our your own rendition of the “wavien Clone” song. HEY, that’s it!!!We need a Chinese clone of the Wavien ring!!! Sold for $1.25! Send out a link from the Wavien site to all of the China dealers!
there is a website out there that u can buy sheets of aluminum that is just like a mirror and u can have them laser cut them into any size u wish, what i was going to do is have them cut it like a washer and use a Dapping Set and make the shape like a wavien collar but its to much for me to do alone lol