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I think the SFT40 would be great for midrange throw not as foll in as a W1 but less spill than a SST40
Thought the same, but the SFT40 has quality problems, no?
From the list, I’d take the XHP35, for sake of simplicity of the driver maybe a HCRI XP-L. Have one in my KR1, tho it makes it more a short-range thrower.
I think Sofirn IF22 should be considered as a mid-level thrower.
I have Sofirn IF22A in Silver. Will get IF22 in Black during the upcoming 12/12 Sale. Good discount offers are available. Just check Sofirn Official Stores, including the one on Ali Express.
What’s so good about the SFT40?
Dedomed version of the SST40, has farther throw: djozz test
It’s becoming a popular LED for throw lights. Maybe add it to your list.
I also have the Sofirn IF22A with SFT40 and it’s an awesome mid level (priced) thrower.
Plus I have a Wurkkos FC12 in the works
I hope Luminus comes out with a neutral-tint version SFT40.
How does the SFT70 compare to the SFT40?
Who can remember when 160Kcd was Long range not that long ago.
Who can remember when turbo lasted more than 30 seconds and stepped down less than 50%?
The SFT70 has the same candela, about 50% more lumens, is a bit more efficient, and runs at 6V. It’s like comparing a 3V XHP50.2 with a 6V XHP70.2. The use cases will be similar between the two Leds in the same family.
I’d most likely pick a SFT70 light over SFT40 when they come out though. The SFT70 will also use more efficient boost drivers.
Depends on what you consider “mid range”.
Since there is no SFT available for the DM11, it looks like the W2 is a good option if I want more throw, and the XHP 35 HI might(?) be a good option if I want more lumens. Any idea how a W2 would compare to a XHP 35 HI for lumens in the same light? Safe to say the XHP 35 HI would be north of 2500 lumens?
XP-L HI - small amount of love for this. Any pros for it over the W2?
There’s not One True Answer here. It depends on how, where, and for what you’re going to be using the flashlight, as well as what characteristics you value in a flashlight.
I value color rendering, power efficiency, and output on a low battery. I do not value burst modes I can only use for 30 seconds. I don’t have a use case for the absolute most throw I can get in my jacket pocket this side of a LEP.
And so I went for the B35A.
The XHP35 HI would also be a decent fit for my preferences, and I was pleased to discover my 3000K K1 tests at 83 CRI despite not advertising it. I haven’t been thrilled with its efficiency on max though. It’s ~1600 lumens and gets hot fast. I’m hoping the lower voltage boost for the B35A will run more efficiently.
Sbt 90.2 if you want maximum wow factor, you can find smallish lights than can take a minute of turbo before serious stepdown begins.
W1 if you want a similar but slightly less intense wow factor, with less heat and less rapid stepdown.
W2 if you want something functional with slightly less wow factor.
B35. I already have an if22a and i really like it. Big tir’s have a really nice beam profile and are more enjoyable as throwers based on the if22a, and I already have a lightsaber-esque L21B w1 and a decent and practical m21b/c8 w2.
So for me, this dm11 is about pure light quality.