Got my gearbest $7 headlight in…think it might be time to mod it up [especially to get rid of that damn strobe (contemplating stacking an ATtiny MCU on a Tiny10 board to run the PWM of the stock FET, since the driver is a momentary flashing it with STAR Werner UI for 5 modes round robin, then OL’s poor mans stippling to smooth out the hotspot and then put some blah blah fix(?) tape over the lens (thanks Cereal_killer) for a very smooth thrower for in close soldering work (when I need a light close in) might even grapht in a TP4056 charge module between the external plug to the battery inputs so I can charge externally w 5vdc wall wart and not have to worry about overcharging]
3 BLF15DD V1 boards
3 BLF15.17DD V.1 boards
3 Texas Pyro 20mm Nangj 105C “WarHawk’s tweak” boards
LA Police Gear Tactical Bail Out Gear Bag for $15.99, they are still on sale for $19.99