What you got today

DQG TINY 26650 Triple 3xCREE XP-G2 CW/NW Smallest LED Flashlight
from cnqg.

This thing is small !
My hand must be 30% bigger than the one in the store pic…

Also got a charger for the Fairy (my EDC keyring light) and
2 BLF GB SA-22s (AA) to give away.


Rezwan what’s the light to the right?

Its a convoy S6 modded by Richard from mountain electronics. An awesome light pulling 5.8amp from a panasonic 18650PF.

I got the XP-L’s for my GAW lights, thanks again to Calvin and the guys at Illumn!

I got a Supbeam X40 L2 ordered as part of the group buy set up by the. Not in my hands yet but the first major step taken, ordered and paid for. A nice price on a good looking continuously variable magnetic ring controlled quite powerful light. I like the continuously variable magnetic ring user interface and already have several less powerful lights with the feature.

Got my gearbest $7 headlight in…think it might be time to mod it up :slight_smile: [especially to get rid of that damn strobe (contemplating stacking an ATtiny MCU on a Tiny10 board to run the PWM of the stock FET, since the driver is a momentary flashing it with STAR Werner UI for 5 modes round robin, then OL’s poor mans stippling to smooth out the hotspot and then put some blah blah fix(?) tape over the lens (thanks Cereal_killer) for a very smooth thrower for in close soldering work (when I need a light close in) might even grapht in a TP4056 charge module between the external plug to the battery inputs so I can charge externally w 5vdc wall wart and not have to worry about overcharging]

3 BLF15DD V1 boards
3 BLF15.17DD V.1 boards
3 Texas Pyro 20mm Nangj 105C “WarHawk’s tweak” boards

LA Police Gear Tactical Bail Out Gear Bag for $15.99, they are still on sale for $19.99

through the mess if you see well you can find some new things :stuck_out_tongue:

Got two 2x26650 cases, and ten water proof 2x18650 cases from FT. Tracking was unavailable until it passed through the Scarborough ME sort facility last night. Those are always the fun orders, the ones you can not track

Two more broken Nanjg 102 boost drivers from Fasttech. I am trying to explain to them that the ferrite cores of these things are fragile thin ceramic shapes that can only be shipped in ridged packaging. I sent them pictures showing broken off chips of ferrite, so I expect future shipments to be in boxes.

You deserved that, excellent build.

I got mp3 earphones, it works better than expected and no hassle with cables anymore. Just costed 4$ on BG

I got a unmarked Convoy S2+ host (probably going to build me another triple XP-G2) [after I fix my first botched one…think I am going to run the BLF15.17DD in it], and 2-Brown SK98 clones, nice thing is…all of em were less than $20 for all of em

warhawk what triple emitter MPCB fits the S2? It needs to be 16 mm right?

no 20mm noctigon from RMM is where I got mine

reflowed 3 XP-G2 on it

Epoxied it to the aluminum extension, epoxied the aluminum extension to the pill, drilled out the center for wires

I put the TIR on the noctigon locating holes and hold upright and slowly spin with a long screwdriver so the pill, star, TIR all turn together so it doesn’t snap the little plastic locating nubs on the TIR and/or dedome (rip off) the dome on the emitters.

but that is my assembly method, RMM suggests NOT adhering the spacer to the pill so it spins

I’m still waiting for mine from that deal to arrive…

DC fix works VERY well…I already used mine for working on stuff up close…on low has slight PWM but not that noticeable. But still can blast the light out, I soldered a small wire between pin 5 on the MCU to the S+ pad (and I also put some 22Ga wire on the battery connections and added solder to make a decent solder blob (their solder job suuuucked [very thin solder connection and barely any solder])

Got these in 5 days from Japan to my house, amazing. Thanks Marco

Got a little Charger doctor too from ebay

You are lucky!

most people receive them in 7-10days with regular airmail!

great you got them!

Wouldn’t letting the spacer free float adversely affect heatsinking and eventually fry the emitters, especially at higher drive currents?

Some Noctigon boards. I was planning on some hobbying tomorrow but real life got in the way, it will have to wait two weeks :-(