What you got today

Sinkpad samples

4.5a XM-L2 5000k P60 from vinhnguyen54.

I got 2 G3 MaxaBeams

i would normally be getting my tn30 xml2 … but there is no mail on saturdays…. so its sitting down the road in the post office till monday :frowning:

Got some low profile switch boots and "O" rings from Kaidomain, and 2 Nitecore 14500's from Fasttech today.

Best budget pistol I have bought/used is a Bersa Thunder .380. I have put about 1,500 rounds through mine.

Where did you get it from? You obviously didn’t read my review. :wink:

A WF-501B from flea bay for a mod host :wink: & a 17mm 3amp driver from Illumination Supply

It’s always nice when there’s a brown padded envelope sitting in the mailbox… :bigsmile:

I hear ya Rick, except today there was 2!! Double the pleasure!

Yeah, the Bersas are great except for the cast slide(don’t think they are cast anymore or at least they improved them)

2x ncrb protected pannys (3400) and a few brass rings to put a new driver in my supfire x5 (if the pannys hold up ok I will order 6-8 more)

from fast tech

they ship fast! got in 6 business days!!

I like the yellow ones more.

I got a newton cradle and a sheet of flashpaper KAWOOSH!!!

got a $50 gift card to DX. wish they sold the shadow sl3 now :expressionless: (sell shadow flashlights within a month DX)

cant decide if i want to get a light meter or an xg-v3 or a blue sh-tg2…

He scrapped (sent to be recycled) his car. In the UK all vehicles have to be registered with the Driver Vehicle Licensing Agency. You have a legal requirement to send them the registration documents if you sell or scrap your vehicle. Worse still you have to tell them if you take it off the road and park it up on private ground. It’s not enough just to ensure you don’t drive on the road, you actually have to tell them it’s not on the road any more. It has stopped a lot of abandoned cars as they just prosecute the last registered owner.

The fines can be harsh to say the least.

BTU Shocker from Fancyflashlights and XP-G2 C8 (not shown) from devdvr. The BTU is a great beast of a light, 2300lm and 95kcd measured at 3.65m. The XP-G2 C8 is a surprising thrower, I’m impressed; I get 28kcd measured at 3.65m and 350 lm. Nice built devdvr! :slight_smile:

The BTU lumen numbers have convinced me that my lux meter is quite conservative. I verified the BTU is properly driven with 3.7 emitter Amps which should be closer to 2700-2800lm based on recent testing from rdrfronty . I ordered a new meter to compare against.

I came home to 2 of them as well. One fron Illumination Supply with some teflon wire and an xp-g2 on 20mm star. The other with a sweet blue lit switch from ebay that will go into my ChiX 1D mag.

wohoo, zebra sc52 from uk member came in the mail today :slight_smile: nice little light but coolish tint -xml2 t6 3c would be nice, if i can crack it open safely :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice! I'm loving mine, and the tint is fine to my eyes

So nice!