What you got today

My package arrived today, after sitting at customs for a week, I guess the aluminium foil around the cells confused someone…

Some NiCE lithium AA primaries
LG18650d1 4.3V cells
A headband someone here recommended.
The headband is really nice, doesn’t stink, fits one 18650 light perfectly and it is lightweight.

I plan to use them with nanjg 105C until I get some nanjg 101 drivers…

I like those power supply tips you’re using, do you mind sharing the brand/model?

Those are actually leads of my old dmm, when set to continuity test it will provide power to LEDs just enough for photo shoot :bigsmile:
I would like to get Fluke but Fluke is expensive so I use what I have :~

2 more under $5 each including shipping SK68 clones from Tosell888 on Amazon and 2 SK73 clones (for want of a better name) from FMcamaroZ28 on BLF for $11 including shipping. All work well. The SK68 clones are very similar to Sipiks, except for XP-Es instead of XR-Es, smaller dome and no metal ring. The 73s have no o-rings, except the on on which the head slides, but otherwise act like the Sipik I have. None bare any marking.
Apparently budget light manufacturers, when pressed for the lowest possible price will leave off their own name, extravagant claims and finally o-rings. The market seems to be so flooded with well made products that no one bothers with shoddy workmanship.

15 sheets wet/dry sandpaper 5x600, 5x1000, 5x1500.
36 Phosphor-Bronze washers of various sizes.

All leads to smooth as butter opening from various Chinese knives.

Two Toshiba laptop batteries to liberate cells.

Some AR lenses and a XM-L2 P60 drop-in from KD.

That’s a good question and something I didn’t consider before buying it. Luckily, the lag is very minimal. I have to really concentrate on it to even notice that it’s there.

I’ve used it a few times now and one thing that does bother me is that the contrast is poor. I don’t know if it’s the old monitor or the camera, but it makes it difficult to inspect solder joints since eveything is either blown out or really dark.

I really can’t complain though. I paid $80 for it used, when it retailed for over $700.

I got an inductive Qi compatible charger for my Nexus 7. It's seems to be slightly slower than directly connecting the USB cable. The ease of use, and the fact that it saves the micro USB connector from wearing out from plugging and unplugging every night makes it a no brainer. I paid $15.91 on ebay.

Got my first magnetic ring light. Niteye 10. Man, diis is da BOMB! :bigsmile:

With AW 18350 puts out over 600 lumens! :bigsmile:

It is a truly awesome light! Congrats! :slight_smile:

Just got my custom camo MiniMag from BIGWOOD .

Excellent workmanship and I love the floody beam profile .

Thanks again BIGWOOD !

2x UltraFire 501c Xenon flashlights to use as 2x-AA P60 hosts - $8.77 each:


  • Ordered 8/27
  • Shipped 9/17
  • Received 10/7

Shipped via registered mail, but KD failed to provided tracking information so I was unable to monitor the shipment.

Look like decent but cheap hosts, as expected. Lubed tube threads and O-rings in all the right places. Needed to build a work light for a friend who I don't trust with Li-ions.

Got a Convoy C8 today from Fasttech.Convoy C8 Nearly a month from ordering until delivery via Singapore Post but well worth the wait. Near faultless construction;2.8A current pull at tailcap reading;Panasonic 3400mAh PCB fits perfectly. Mid setting could do with being cranked down a bit but overall well chuffed with this light

Finally got round to making good my sadly departed father-in-law’s Weller SP40 iron by getting a 3 pack of new tips, which arrived today, from Bamford Trading. Weller Under a Fiver from their ebay site. The iron itself is a “Made in USA” model and is probably decades old but is now up and running as new.

I finally got my second Fasttech order, ordered on 9/10. It looks like it has an extra label on the back, probably from the inspector. There are handwritten letters on the front: KWF. Kill With Fire? Keep When Fasttech?

Got a Balder SE-1 from FF. I don’t like the clip but the fit, finish and mode spacing are very nice. It’s a gift for a friend but I think I’m going to get an NW version for myself.

The Forest Tiger SLH-H510 arrived today. Review coming soon. It’s a great Jacobs A60 alternative. Jaw-dropping throw exhibited on the walk tonight!

I will wait for that review, to find out how will it compare to the A60 in the throw department.